Compatibility Scales and Libra in Marriage

The horoscope helps to learn a lot of interesting information about people and about the prospects in the relationship . Marriage of a man Libra and women Libra, given the same energy of people, can be both harmonious and filled with various contradictions.

Compatibility Scales and Libra in Marriage

The prospect in such relations largely depends on whether lovers can get along in the household. Marriage can give a break in the event that the family has problems in the material sphere. In such a pair of great importance is sex, which gives partners great pleasure. If lovers go on concessions to each other, then between men and women can establish an excellent mutual understanding, and this is an ideal springboard for building a family.

With whom are Libra compatible for marriage?

With different representatives of the zodiacal circle the chance to build strong relationships is different.

Who is suitable for marriage to the sign of Libra:

  1. Aries . Relations are based on the combination of opposites. People complement each other, but quarrels are unavoidable.
  2. Taurus . Harmony in such a marriage will not, but the partners may eventually become attached to each other.
  3. The twins . Compatibility Libra in marriage with other signs, or rather with the Twins , is good, because between lovers there is mutual understanding. Good sex and tenderness to each other strengthens the union.
  4. Cancer . Unsuccessful relationship, because lovers do not match emotionally. Sex between partners is also bad.
  5. The Lion . A good percentage of compatibility in marriage. Such people can build a strong, happy and harmonious family.
  6. The Virgin . The union is short-lived, as Virgo often criticizes Libra, which is the reason for parting.
  7. Scorpio . Scales in marriage with a representative of this sign are rarely happy, because passion Scorpio causes misunderstanding. Harmony in such relations will not be.
  8. Sagittarius . Union in such a pair will be lasting and happy, but only if partners can find common ground with each other.
  9. Capricorn . Partners have opposite characters, which makes it impossible to build strong relationships.
  10. Aquarius . Mutual understanding in such relations is good. Scales for Aquarius are a muse. Partners are ready to compromise for each other.
  11. Pisces . The chance to build strong and lasting relationships is minimal, but partners keep good sex together.