Metiluracil tablets

Methyluracil is a drug related to the pharmacological group of secondary stimulants. It has a regenerative effect when the mucous membranes or skin are affected.

Structure of the preparation

The composition of tablets Metiluratsil is the only active substance - it is dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine (methyluracil). In addition to the regenerative properties, this substance has an anti-inflammatory effect and positively influences the process of the formation of leukocytes in the tissues of the bone marrow.

Effect from application

When taking Metilitacil tablets, there is an accelerated process of tissue regeneration caused by the normalization of nucleic acid metabolism, as well as activation of granulation and epithelization in the wounds. With such damage to the skin as bedsores or intertrigo, healing occurs in a fairly short time. When used on postoperative seams, it does not cause irritation and stimulates the formation of thinner and more accurate scars. A small number of side effects of Methyluracil and the average price make this drug optimal in choosing the means to stimulate the immunity of the skin and mucous membranes.

The use of tablets Methyluracil

The drug Methyluracil in the form of tablets is prescribed for oral administration with the following diseases:

To avoid irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, the use of tablets of methyluracil is recommended to be performed during meals or immediately after meals. Dosage for an adult is 1 tablet (0.5 g.) 4 times a day. For special indications, the dose can be increased by 1 gr. up to 6 tablets per day. For children older than three years, the dose of the drug is halved and is half a tablet (0.25 grams) per reception, three times a day.

As a rule, the course of treatment for diseases of internal organs (pancreatitis, hepatitis, stomach, duodenum), using the tablets Metiluratsil, is 30 to 40 days. For the treatment of superficial skin lesions, the period of use of the drug is determined by the attending physician and, as a rule, has a shorter duration.

Contraindications and side effects of the medicine

As already mentioned, the drug Metiluracil has a minimal amount of side effects and contraindications among other drugs of its group. Strict contraindication for the use of the drug are tumor diseases of the blood and lymphatic system:

In addition, the drug should not be taken to people with individual sensitivity to methyluracil.

Possible adverse effects from taking the drug, in rare cases, may be the appearance of headache, dizziness and allergic rash. As a rule, all these phenomena occur after the cancellation of tablets of methyluracil.

Drug analogues

As an analogue of tablets of Methyluracil, other forms of release of this preparation, with the same active substance, can be used. These can be suppositories for insertion into the rectum of methyluracil or ointment for external use.

In addition, dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine is part of such drugs:

In any case, before making a decision to replace the drug, you should consult your doctor.