Pain in the stomach causes

If the stomach hurts, then you can look for the cause for a very long time - especially if the question concerns systematic painful sensations, and chronic diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract were not previously identified.

First of all, in order to find out the reasons, you need to undergo a minimal examination:

  1. First, give a clinical blood test, which will show whether there is an inflammatory process.
  2. Secondly, you need to monitor the temperature of the body - subfebrile condition is not always felt by a person, if there are no symptoms of ARVI, and therefore three times a day to measure the temperature.
  3. Third, to make ultrasound of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity, which will help to understand what the external state of the stomach and whether pain can arise due to pathologies in other organs.
  4. Further measures are of a specialized nature-for example, gastric sensing, which will help you learn about the condition of the mucosa, the presence of ulcers or tumors, and contrast X-rays.

Only a systematic approach will help to determine the cause for certain, but before these measures are taken, it is not superfluous to ask what the stomach may be hurting.

Causes of persistent pain in the stomach

Before proceeding to an approximate definition of the diagnosis, determine when and after which the systemic pains began. Whether it was after stress or after taking a certain food - it's important to make a diagnosis. Another important point is to determine the true area of ​​pain. The point is that the nerve endings have the ability to "transmit" pain to other areas, and hence the wrong definition of pain in the heart, when the "culprit" is the back muscle that gives pain to the heart area, or intestinal colic that can create the illusion of pain in stomach. Therefore, in the first place, you need to make sure that it is the stomach that hurts: gently probe it in a recumbent, standing and sitting position.

Dull Pain in the Stomach - Causes

The causes of severe pain in the stomach of blunt or acute, as well as aching and bursting nature can arise against a background of gastritis. In this case, they may be accompanied by vomiting. The patient refuses food because of the sensitivity of the stomach and esophagus. The same condition can be observed in conjunction with colic. And so the patient refuses any rough and heavy food.

Dull pain is characteristic of chronic gastritis, while the cutting nature of pain indicates an acute phase. In this case, pain can occur even when moving.

Acute stomach pain - causes

The causes of severe pain in the stomach, accompanied by chills and weakness, may indicate intestinal colic. A person at the same time experiences disorders of the stool - either diarrhea or constipation, flatulence may occur. The patient is hungry, but eating is in no hurry, there is no disgust for food. Bowel disease is often associated with a dysfunction of the stomach, and therefore these two organs rarely "get sick by themselves". Gastritis leads to intestinal colic.

A sudden and sudden pain can also occur with peritonitis . Pain does not help analgesics, there is a temperature increase. Pain extends to the entire abdomen. In this case, it is urgent to call an ambulance.

Aching in stomach - causes

Aching pain is characteristic of gastritis. If it is combined with cramping pain, then this may indicate a duodenal ulcer.

Aching pain is characteristic when an acute phase of gastritis occurs.

Stitching pains in the stomach - causes

Stitching pain in the stomach can occur with duodenitis and peptic ulcer. The patient experiences paroxysmal, severe pain and requires medical attention. Very severe pain in such cases can lead to painful shock.

Colic can also cause pain in the stomach, as it often combines with gastritis.