Benefit of cranberries for the body

Cowberry is familiar to us as an evergreen, low to 30 cm shrub, with a rhizome creeping along the ground. It grows in the European part, in Siberia, in the Caucasus, in the Far East, it is collected at the end of summer, at the beginning of autumn and before strong frosts.

You can collect fruits and leaves. Berry is unpretentious at the time of harvesting and during storage, as it retains its useful qualities in any form. Jam is made from it, wiped in a combine, can be dried and poured with plain water, and in winter used for baking and cooking various dishes.

What vitamins are in lingonberries, and what is it useful?

The bouquet of useful substances includes vitamins A , B, C, E, mineral salts, pectins, essential oils, copper, glycosides, nitrogenous substances. Only organic acids are several kinds: apple, lemon, acetic, formic, phosphoric, oxalic. To replenish vitamins in your body, it is best to eat fresh berries directly from the bush, during harvesting. But even in dried form cranberries retain their useful qualities, it can be brewed together with ashberry and dog rose, you get a great vitamin tea.

Benefit of cranberries for the body

Healing properties of cowberry were known to our ancestors not one hundred years ago. In folk medicine, the berry and its leaves are used as a remedy that:

Doctors-homeopaths recommend using not only fruits, but also cowberry leaves. In addition, many medicinal products contain this plant. However, you need to know about all of its properties, especially this applies to people suffering from low blood pressure. Because lingonberries, its juice and leaves can lower the pressure even more.

Tea with cranberries and linden is very tasty and can and should be drunk as a medicinal drink for colds. It has a strong antipyretic and diuretic effect. With a general weakness of the body, with frequent headaches, constipation take cranberry juice, you can, if desired, add 50 grams of juice, diluted with 150 grams of boiled water, a little honey or sugar, to taste and take before meals 1-2 tablespoons. spoons.

How useful cowberry for women during pregnancy

The female body experiences high loads during pregnancy, which are similar in complexity to the stress experienced by athletes in responsible competitions. Therefore, it is so important to maintain and replenish its reserves with vitamins and other beneficial substances. However, despite the fact that cowberry does not cause allergies, it is necessary to consult about its use with the attending physician. The fact is that it is contraindicated with increased acidity, with gastritis and reduced pressure.

The use of cranberries for the body of a pregnant woman and her child is that the iron contained in it is used as a prophylaxis for anemia, which threatens with interruption pregnancy, that is hypoxia of the fetus. Another cowberry helps to remove swelling, which often appear in the second half of the period of bearing a child.

In the old days, our ancestors called it "a berry giving immortality"? and this is not without reason. The constant use of berries in food leads to the strengthening of blood vessels, to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, therefore, to prolong life.

Lingonberry with diabetes

In berries, there is copper, which lowers blood sugar. Very useful in this disease, decoctions and fruit drinks from berries and leaves of cranberries. If the fruits are not available to residents of cities, they can be purchased at pharmacies.