Carbohydrates with a low glycemic index

Talking with people who are watching what they eat, the term is a glycemic index. We also hear of its low and high content. About him and talk today.

The glycemic index is a kind of reaction of the sugar present in the blood to a variety of foods. In other words, it is an indicator that determines the fluctuations in the composition of glucose in the blood. Accordingly, the higher the glycemic index, the more insulin is produced, which lowers the level of sugar in the blood and sends the eaten carbohydrates to the fat stores, which for us is unacceptable. Therefore, we will analyze which products should be given preference, and who will have to declare a boycott.

Carbohydrates with a high glycemic index

We need to worry about carbohydrates with a high glycemic index, especially for people who suffer from insulin insensitivity. "High" is called the glycemic index of more than 70, "medium" from 45 to 65, and "low" - no more than 39. Sugar, sweet enough fruits, white bread, cakes, and honey are those products that need to be feared. After all, everyone knows the fact that the more you consume the sweet, the more you want. This has long been proved by the famous doctor of the Boston Children's Hospital, David Ludwig. According to his theory, after absorbing food with a high glycemic index, obese people consume 85% more foods than after eating a low glycemic index.

Carbohydrates with a low glycemic index are also useful because they are rich in high fiber. And the three most important factors - weight stabilization, reduction of sugar in the blood and normalization of digestion for us are important (see table of carbohydrates with a low glycemic index).

The same sugar, the glycemic index of which from 80 to 90 is not desirable for daily consumption. Always check the label on the products, and if there is mentioned the ingredient with the ending "-oz" it is sugar. The exception is fructose, the glycemic index of which is not more than 20. Very often it is replaced by sugar.

It is best to give preference to vegetables and fruits with a low glycemic index. Diversity is not so much, but we are taking care of our figure and health. Green light in our cherry, grapefruit, lentils, beans, lemon, tomatoes. It is these products with their glycemic index that are slowly absorbed and can sufficiently replenish the energy reserves of our body for a long time. The main thing, beware of pineapples, grapes, corn and watermelon, they have GI at the level with sugar.

Cereals in the diet are also important. But grain is a grain of seeds, so here we also choose options. So, the glycemic index of cereals varies from 20 to 90. The most "safe" for glycemia is porridge, only 20, followed by millet 40-50, oats 55-65, corn 70, and muesli from 75 to 85.

Menus with a low glycemic index

The table lists a fairly diverse list of products that have a low GI, and, using them, you can diversify your diet. Several recipes are described below.

  1. Casserole from courgettes for six servings. Ingredients: 2 zucchini, 3 eggs, 3 tbsp. spoons of bran, onion, half a can of marinated mushrooms, spices, 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Preparation: mushrooms for half an hour with vinegar. Zucchini grate on a large grater and, squeezing the juice, combine with mushrooms. There, too, chop finely chopped onion, bran, spices and eggs. Stir and shake in a microwave for 15-18 minutes
  2. Dish from a barley (perlotto). Ingredients: 0,5 kg of pearl barley, onion, half a glass of white dry wine, 1.5 l of hot water, 1.5 tbsp. spoons of tomato paste, salt, pepper, greens. Preparation: soak the barley for 10 hours, then rinse thoroughly. Fry the finely chopped onions, put a barley and fill with wine. After its evaporation, add diluted with tomato paste water. Preparing for a little more than an hour. Do not forget to fill it with herbs and spices after the dish is ready.