Pain in the joints of the legs

The reason why leg joints hurt, can be all sorts of diseases and inflammation of the joints and bone tissue.

The most common diseases that are accompanied by pain in the joints of the legs are rheumatoid arthritis, gout, osteoarthritis. The diagnosis of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis can be made only on the basis of X-ray images, as well as changes in the analyzes and characteristic symptoms.

Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis

Arthritis can be sick not only adults and old people, but also children. In addition, it can also affect the joints of the hands. Pain with osteoarthritis usually appears in the hip and knee joints, and without any signs of inflammation. Most often it affects the elderly, although sometimes there are hereditary forms, in which the disease can begin as early as childhood. Pain in joints with osteoarthritis appears after physical exertion or by the end of the day. In rheumatoid arthritis, on the contrary, after physical exertion, the pain usually decreases.

Rheumatoid arthritis often affects the ankle and temporal joints. The pain is characterized by medium intensity, the joints turn red and swell symmetrically on both sides. The pain may be periodic or permanent. Rheumatoid arthritis is not cure, but if you turn to a doctor in time, then with the help of medications or a surgical operation of deformities of the joints, you can stop and avoid hugging complete immobility or damaging the internal organs.

Osteoarthritis most often affects the hip, knee, ankle joints. The pain is dull, worries usually during the day, it becomes stronger with physical activity, during movement, after standing. Periodically there is a clicking and creaking in the joints. In most cases, treated with swimming, massage, physiotherapy or mud therapy.


This disease is often called the "meat-eating disease", because it arises as a result of the accumulation in the joints of crystals of a substance formed by purines, which enter our body mainly from meat and meat products. Most often, men suffer from gout. Pain, characteristic of this disease - acute, burning, pulsating begins suddenly. The joint swells, becomes purplish red. Treatment of gout is primarily a diet that restricts meat, fish, alcohol, as well as taking medications that normalize the exchange of purines.

How to cure the joints of the legs?

If your joints often hurt, click, sweat and swell - this can be a sign of any of the above diseases. To date, there are a number of drugs that are effective in combating foot joint diseases. But in order to correctly diagnose and select drugs for treatment, you need to turn to a rheumatologist.

How to strengthen the joints of the legs?

The simplest way to strengthen the joints of the legs is constant loads: walking, swimming, cycling. You can also do different exercises for squatting and turning the shin.

Treatment of leg joints with folk remedies

  1. Fuck of pain in the joints of the legs. 1 kg of horseradish pour 4 liters of water, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Cool the broth and add 500 g of honey. Take 200 grams per day. The resulting mixture should be stored in a refrigerator. This course of treatment can be done every half a year.
  2. Compression from pain in the knee joint. Mix two tablespoons of turpentine and ammonia, stir with two chicken eggs. The resulting mixture should be rubbed into the joint before going to sleep. The maximum course of treatment with such a remedy is not more than 5 days.
  3. Herbal infusions. Effective in folk medicine are infusions and decoctions of nettles, leaves of black currant and birch, dandelion roots. Take them three times a day for half a glass.