Ointment from gout on legs

Gout is a disease that develops due to metabolic disorders. One of the first manifestations of the disease is the deformation of the big toe. Gout requires compulsory treatment. If you do not start it in time, the joints of the lower limbs will begin to break down. It is best to use for this purpose a special ointment from gout on the legs.

Ointment from gout Fullflex

Fullflex - ointment from gout on legs. In it there are only components of medicinal plants, therefore the given agent is absolutely safe in use and it practically does not have contraindications. This ointment from Padagra:

Fullflex is recommended for use at different stages of the disease. Such a tool effectively affects affected joints even with neglected gout forms. The ointment is applied evenly. With it, you can also do compresses. It is forbidden to use this drug in combination with analogues (Zilorik, Antisol or Urisan).

Ointment for gout Diclofenac

One of the most popular ointments for the treatment of gout on the legs is Diclofenac . This is a preparation of the NSAID group. Its active ingredient is diclofenac sodium. This ointment is very effective because it:

Diclofenac can be applied to the affected joint three times a day. Thanks to this, the pain syndrome can be forgotten even during the period of exacerbation of the disease. But, using such ointment with gout on the knees and other vessels of the lower extremities, you should strictly follow the dosage. The daily dose of the drug should not be more than 8 g. Its excess is fraught with the appearance of side effects.