Indigo children - signs

Some thirty years ago no one had heard of indigo children. The first information about them appeared after the clairvoyant N. Tapp stated that children with an unusual color aura began to appear. In the majority of people it is golden yellow, and in the children found it turned out to be dark blue, the color of indigo.

Since then, namely, since 1978 and until now, indigo children are all heard. But very few people know what they are - indigo children and who the indigo children can be born with.

It turns out that on whether a miracle baby will appear in your family, neither heredity, nor the lifestyle of a pregnant woman, nor her nutrition during pregnancy, is affected. The only thing that was noticed that many future indigo children had a minor birth trauma to the cervical spine, and in the first year of life there was a persistent hypertension of the extremities, which was weakly treatable.

How to recognize an indigo child?

A feature of the development of indigo children is that their brain matures slowly, and as a result, children begin to speak later than their peers. Then the speech appears suddenly, and very literate, with correctly constructed sentences. And the child begins to give out such information, which puts parents at a dead end.

Surely many thought how to distinguish an indigo child from the bulk of ordinary children, how to determine it. There are several signs on which it is possible to say with certainty whether your child is related to indigo children:

If you find that most of the symptoms can be attributed to your child, do not panic. Of course, it is difficult to raise a child who is different from others. These children are even called uncomfortable children. It is easier to educate an obedient, quiet child, who does not require constant constant attention, does not take so much energy. But you need patience, especially when it comes to teaching indigo children.

One of the problems of indigo children is the attention deficit disorder syndrome - this diagnosis is often put to children who can not be held in place and anything to be interested. It is necessary that both parents and teachers understand that they are not a difficult child, but a very gifted child, and they are versatile.

Neurologists begin to prescribe potent drugs that inhibit the nervous system to remove the child's hyperactivity. Parents, without thinking about the consequences, with such treatment, stop the development of the personality in the way that was foreseen by nature.

On how to raise an indigo child, one must learn from specialists who have been practicing this practice for many years, so as not to harm the development of the abilities of indigo children.

The phenomenon of indigo children is not fully understood. Their abilities are endless, but in order to take advantage of them, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for their development and to accept these gifted children as they are without trying to remake the general pattern.