Why do children have black teeth?

A lot of young parents face an unexpected problem - young children have black teeth. In fact, surprisingly, there may be a lot of reasons for this, some of them parents can be prevented without the intervention of professionals.


The most common factor, why children have black teeth, is caries. The main causes of caries on the teeth are:


This disease can be caused by improper metabolism and nutrition, incorrect selection of toothpaste or heredity. Because of all these factors in the child's body can accumulate an excess of such a trace element as fluoride, from which the teeth appear small black dots. Later these points expand, it can create the appearance that the teeth are completely black.


If, for some reason, the child often strikes the jaw, it can damage the gums, in the middle of which there is a vascular bundle. Thus, the tooth can appear with a bruise, a color reminiscent of a bruise.

Improper diet

Very rarely young children are given such food and drinks that corrode and color enamel, but it is worth noting this fact. Caffeinated foods and foods with dark food colors can color the enamel of children's teeth. Internally they will be healthy, but the appearance will be terrible.

Lack of iron

The so-called iron - deficiency anemia , among other things, leads to a darkening of the tooth enamel. Prevention of this disease is a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.


If your baby has been treated with antibacterial drugs before the appearance of teeth, then, unfortunately, even the first milk tooth may be completely black. In this case, it is worth consulting with your doctor.

If there was a question about what to do if a child already has black teeth, the main decision is one - in any case go to a specialist. But all parents should know about the basic rules for the prevention of child caries:

Proceeding from this, every caring mother is obliged not only to instill the child's habit of monitoring the condition of the teeth (and this must be done from 1.5-2 years old), but also to control one's own behavior so as not to render a disservice to one's own child.

For example, the habit of licking a pacifier or a pacifier on a bottle before giving it to a child inevitably leads to the ingestion of the mother's microflora into the baby's mouth. Most often it provokes caries.

Adherence to the right diet and healthy lifestyle is also closely related to oral health. It is worth considering that the lack of vitamin D provokes poor assimilation of calcium from foods, and the abundance of citrus fruits and sweets destroys the thin enamel on the teeth.

After 2 years, the child can conduct a procedure of silvering the teeth , which will create an additional protective layer on the enamel of children's teeth.

If, unfortunately, your heredity is the cause of bad teeth in children, then even observing all the rules of care will not always prevent the fact that the baby's black teeth become very black. But in this case, to refuse to comply with them is not worth it. Prophylaxis of dental diseases takes much less time and effort than their treatment.