Blood test for hormones

Hormones are substances that are produced by the endocrine glands (thyroid, pancreas, sex glands, pituitary gland, etc.) and are involved in all processes in the body. These bioactive compounds determine the processes of growth, development, reproduction, metabolism, the appearance of a person, his character and behavior depend on them.

The produced hormones pass into the blood, where they are in certain concentrations and equilibrium between themselves. Abnormalities affect the health status and can lead to the defeat of various organs and systems. And it is important not only the concentration of a hormone, but also its correlation with other types of hormones.

When is a blood test for hormones?

A blood test to determine the level of certain hormones, as well as the hormonal background as a whole, can be prescribed by almost any specialist:

This procedure allows to identify a large number of various pathologies, including at early stages before the manifestation of clinical signs.

The reason for the appointment of this analysis may be a suspicion of impaired functioning of the endocrine glands or the detection of an increase in the size of the glands (for example, after ultrasound). Often, a hormone level check is required when:

A repeat study can be scheduled to assess the effectiveness of the treatment.

Preparation for the analysis of blood for hormones

To obtain qualitative and reliable results, the following recommendations should be adhered to, which are developed for the analysis of blood for any hormones (thyrotropic hormone (TSH), sex, adrenal, thyroid, etc.):

  1. Two weeks prior to the study, all medications should be discontinued (except for those whose reception prior to the analysis is agreed with the physician).
  2. Three days before the test, you should stop using alcohol.
  3. 3-5 days before the analysis it is recommended to refrain from eating fatty, sharp and fried foods.
  4. 3 days before the analysis, you must abandon sports and not allow heavy physical exertion.
  5. On the day of the study, you can not smoke.
  6. Since blood donation for analysis is performed on an empty stomach, you should stop eating 12 hours before the procedure (sometimes only clean water without gas is allowed).
  7. Immediately before the procedure should be within 10-15 minutes to rest, try not to worry.

Since the level of hormones in women depends on the menstrual cycle, it is better to take the test for 5-7 days after the onset of menstruation. If you plan to analyze the level of the hormone progesterone, then it should be conducted on the 19-21 day of the cycle. Also, before performing a blood test for sex hormones, do not recommend gynecological examination, palpation of the mammary glands.

Decoding the blood test for hormones

To decipher the blood test for hormones can only a qualified specialist, applying an individual approach to each patient and taking into account the characteristics of the body, existing diseases, ongoing therapy and many other factors. It is worth taking into account that the norms for the analysis of blood for hormones in different laboratories are different. This is due to the fact that different methods, equipment, reagents, holding time, etc. can be used in the study. Therefore, if it is necessary to conduct repeated analyzes, you should contact the same institution as you did for the first time, and in deciphering you should be guided by the norms used in it.