Tablets Tenoten

Tablets Tenoten - homeopathic medicinal product. This is one of the best antidepressant, anti-asthenic and anti-anxiety drugs. The Tenoten tablets contain special antibodies to the protein - S-100. Due to this, they, without providing sedative action, help to normalize metabolic mechanisms and processes in the central nervous system.

Indications for the use of tablets Tenoten

Tenoten tablets are indicated for brain trauma and various disorders of cerebral circulation. They limit and reduce the area in which there are damages, restore and improve memory, quickly reduce the manifestations of hypoxia (oxygen starvation).

Also indications for the use of tablets are:

This drug can be used in the fight against stress disorders with nervous tension, anxiety and irritability. Tablets Tenoten help to get rid of stress , even if it is accompanied by vegetative reactions.

This medicine does not cause retardation or daytime sleepiness. It has not only an excellent soothing effect, but also has a nootropic effect. Due to this, this tool improves the concentration of attention.

Method of application of tablets Tenoten

Soothing tablets Tenoten with light neurosis-like disorders take 1 piece once a day. Dosage can be increased in severe conditions or pronounced manifestations of the disease. For example, with severe anxious-depressive disorders Tenoten, you can take 6 times 2 tablets per reception. Tablets should be kept under the tongue until completely dissolved. Grind or chew them can not. It is best to take this medication in the morning (on an empty stomach) or in the daytime. In the evening, the reception should be no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

The course of treatment with Tenoten should not exceed 3 months. Symptoms of the disease have decreased, and a full recovery has not yet come? You can extend the course for 6 months. The positive effect of the drug is maintained for at least 30 days after the end of therapy. If necessary, the full course can be repeated after 30-60 days.

Tenoten does not cause drowsiness or addiction. It can be taken even during the management of vehicles. The intake of alcohol has absolutely no effect on the effect of this drug. This drug does not interact with other drugs, so it is often used in complex therapy.

Side effects of tablets Tenoten

Soothing tablets Tenoten are a homeopathic remedy and there is very little active ingredient in them. There were no cases of an overdose with this drug. But it can cause various side effects, for example:

Contraindications to the use of tablets Tenoten

Before taking Tenoten tablets, make sure that you have no contraindications to its use. This drug can not be taken to people who have individual intolerance to individual ingredients of the drug. Also, it should not be used in the treatment of such pills for those who suffer from lactose deficiency, malabsorption syndrome and galactosemia. It is not recommended to take Tenoten to women during pregnancy and lactation.