Nausea and pain in the stomach

Discomfort sensations in the epigastric region are familiar to every person since childhood. The most common symptoms of digestive disorders are nausea and pain in the stomach, often accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms. To get rid of these problems, you need to establish an accurate diagnosis and provoking factors, adjust the diet.

Pain in the stomach and nausea with eructations

The considered symptoms are considered to be unchanged companions of chronic gastritis in the stage of exacerbation. During the latent course of this disease, it rarely makes itself felt, but with a constant violation of diet or irregular eating, the symptoms intensify.

A concomitant clinical picture of gastritis includes stomach pain with heartburn and nausea. Especially expressed is the described symptomatology, when a person is hungry. As a rule, discomfort disappears immediately or after 10-20 minutes after taking any food, even in small amounts.

Cure chronic gastritis is impossible, but to prevent its aggravation and stop damage to the inner shell of the stomach - it is quite real. It is necessary only to adhere to dietary norms, to ensure the full and balanced diet, not to allow prolonged starvation.

Nausea with vomiting and pain in the stomach

A direct consequence of gastritis is peptic ulcer. In the early stages of the disease progresses slowly and the clinical picture is small, than it differs from the underlying cause of the disease. Over time, attacks increase, and pain in the stomach is accompanied by nausea and dizziness, leading to acidic vomiting with impurities of bile.

The pathological process under consideration arises from the ulceration of the mucous membrane of the organ by small erosions, which tend to expand. Gastric juice with a high concentration of acid, getting on these injuries, provokes a strong cutting pain, the need for an urgent release of the contents due to the inability to digest it. Subsequently, the appetite disappears, as the body tries to prevent a possible exacerbation.

A peptic ulcer is much more difficult to treat. An integrated approach will be required:

Pain in the stomach and nausea with weakness

Even with an excellent state of the gastrointestinal tract and the absence of any diseases, sometimes there is a cutting pain in the stomach with nausea and even diarrhea. In this case, we can say with confidence about food poisoning.

Intoxication of the body inevitably affects all internal organs, including - and on the stomach with the intestine. Therefore, when saturating with poisons or pathogenic bacteria, the protective mechanism of immunity works: the pathological contents are evacuated in all possible ways. During the infection, stomach pain and nausea are supplemented by a temperature that reaches fairly high values ​​(up to 39 degrees). This is necessary to create adverse conditions for reproduction bacteria and viruses, penetrating them into the bloodstream.

Having discovered the above signs of poisoning , you should perform the following actions:

  1. Drink the maximum dose of any sorbent, for example, activated carbon.
  2. Stop eating for a while, restricting to consumption of pure mineral water without gas.
  3. Restore water-electrolyte balance by means of medical means (Regidron).
  4. With severe pain and very high temperature, call an emergency team.