Pineapple - cultivation

Pineapple is an exotic fruit, the cultivation of which in the open ground is possible only in tropical countries. However, some lovers grow pineapple and in room conditions. Of course, a large fruit will not grow, but you will have a beautiful house plant.

If you decide to grow pineapple at home, then the easiest way to do this is to use a so-called tuft-a rosette over the fruit itself. For planting, the pineapple should be as ripe as possible, without dents indicating rotting. The leaves in the rosette of the fetus must be healthy, succulent and green.

Growing pineapple at home

Let's look at the process of growing pineapple at home. To begin with, you need to cut a pineapple rosette from the nozzle with a very sharp knife. You can do this without a knife: take all the leaves in your hand and turn them slightly. In this case, the crest is separated from the fetus along with a small stalk. Separate the lower rows of leaves so that the base of the trunk is exposed to a few centimeters: at this point, the roots will form.

After this, leave the tuft for drying in the air. Some recommend drying for 2-3 weeks, and store it at this time should be in a vertical position. Another option for drying the pineapple seedling is to hang it on the stalk for the night.

For rooting, you can put the dried crest in a glass of water and put it on a bright spot. From time to time, you have to completely replace the water in the glass. Approximately three weeks later, the seedlings will have roots. And then it can be planted in the ground.

There is another way of growing pineapple at home. The dried crest is immediately planted in a pot of moist soil and covered with a cellophane bag. The pot is exposed to a bright place and does not open until the appearance of young leaves.

The diameter of the pineapple pot should be an example equal to the size of your pineapple. At the bottom of the pot we lay a layer of expanded clay, and from above we pour a mixture of river sand and peat in equal parts. Carefully place pineapple in a pot and sprinkle with earth. On top of the pot covered with a plastic bag or put a glass jar on it. This is done to create a greenhouse tropical effect.

A pot of pineapple should be placed in a well-lit place, avoiding direct sunlight. Pour the pineapple seedlings only with warm water.

Root pineapple will be for six to eight weeks. If the seedlings began to appear new leaves, it means that the rooting was successful and the plant was well established. Now you can take cover. Because pineapple loves moist air, then the plant that has become well established should be sprinkled with warm water 1-2 times a day in the summer.

If possible, plant the pineapple in a greenhouse next to the tomatoes in the summer. In winter, pineapple should be kept in a bright and warm place at a temperature of 22-26 ° C.

One year after planting, the pineapple should be transplanted into a large container, adding cactus soil to it.

Blossoms pineapple two and a half years after planting. If the plant is well developed, and flowering has not occurred, you can use the growth stimulator , for these purposes, ethylene is best suited. To get it, mix one teaspoon of calcium carbide with half a liter of water, cover and insist for 24 hours. After this, merge the resulting liquid (without sediment) - this will be the ethylene solution. Within a week, pour 50 grams of solution on top of the leaves. Approximately one and a half month, the pineapple bloom should come.

After the end of fruiting, the plant gradually dies, leaving behind many lateral shoots, which can be used to re-grow pineapples both at home and in the greenhouse.