Fast and delicious pizza dough

Pizza is one of the most favorite and at the same time very tasty fast food products. In many respects this is due to the ability to vary the filling of the taste even the most refined gourmet. However, it is very important to make the right basis for such a dish, since its taste largely depends on it. Make a quick and fantastic delicious pizza dough even an inexperienced cook. To do this, one should strictly follow these recipes.

Simple, inexpensive and delicious pizza dough with the addition of olive oil

The homeland of this dish is sunny Italy. Therefore, if you want to eat traditional pizza in the southern European version, you just need to add a little olive oil to the dough.



This recipe for an unusually tasty pizza dough will require a minimum of effort from you and will suit even busy housewives. Fill the yeast with slightly warmed water and gently mix it to avoid the formation of a lump in the mixture. In a separate bowl of large volume pour the salt and flour. Pour in the yeast mixture and knead the dough thoroughly.

Check that the surface of the table remains dry, tear it with flour, transfer the dough to it and continue to mix until the dough is soft and elastic. Spread the flour if necessary. This procedure should last about 10 minutes. Lubricate the walls of a large bowl with olive oil, place dough into it and roll to completely grease the surface with vegetable fat.

Cover the dough with a film and transfer to a warm place for about 5 minutes. Strongly flatten the dough with your fists, divide it in half and roll it into small balls. Put these balls on the flour-topped countertop, cover with plastic wrap and leave to stand for a quarter of an hour. According to this recipe, it will be possible to make a delicious dough for air pizza the first time.

Fast kefirous delicious dough for pizza

Based on kefir, the base for pizza will be very airy and soft. This is an ideal option for those who are on a diet and children.



Sift flour, pour it into a solid bowl and add soda and salt. Beat the egg, lightly beat it and pour it into kefir. In kefir gradually fall asleep flour, not forgetting about stirring. The final mass must be elastic and slightly tight. If necessary, increase the amount of flour. At the end, add sunflower oil and granulated sugar, and again mix everything thoroughly. Now you can brag to friends and relatives that you know how to prepare a delicious dough for pizza without the yeast. Your dish will certainly be eaten first.

Delicious honey thin dough for pizza

Many connoisseurs of cooking do not like it, if in this dish most of it is based. You can focus on the filling, making a dough for pizza with the inclusion of honey deliciously and quickly.



Preheat the water to about 60 degrees, pour half a glass and combine it with natural honey and yeast. Separately pour the sifted flour, add butter and lightly salt. Pour in the honey yeast mixture and the remaining water. Stir the dough for about 5 minutes: it should not stick to the palms. Then cover it with a damp gauze and put it in a warm place for about 20 minutes. After that, once again a couple of minutes, thoroughly beat the dough and roll it as thinly as possible with a thickness not exceeding 0.3-0.5 cm.