Cucumbers - diseases, pests and control

How often do we observe that the leaves on our cucumbers suddenly turn yellow, become stained, twisted and fall. And you need to determine the cause of the unpleasant phenomenon correctly in order to take appropriate measures. So, what are the main types of diseases and pests of cucumbers and what means to use them?

What to spray cucumbers from pests?

The most common pest of cucumbers is a spider mite. He braids the underside of the leaves with a thin web, sucks in the leaf and drinks juices. To combat the spider mite, you need to tear off the damaged leaves and burn them, and spray the plants themselves with insecticides several times a season. You can use Carbophos, Agrovertin, Phosbicide, Phytoverm and so on.

Another pest of cucumbers is a melon aphid. This insect is slightly larger in size (2 mm) and has a light yellow coloration of the calf. She also settles in the bottom of the leaves, and also on flowers and ovaries. By its vital activity it causes twisting and drying of leaves and other parts of plants. For struggle and prevention it is necessary to remove weeds in time and to involve ladybirds on a site or in a hothouse.

A greenhouse whitefly can attack cucumbers. It sucks the juice out of the leaves, and the sugary fungi grow on the sugary excretions it leaves, leading to a blackening and drying of the leaves. Affected cucumbers should be sprinkled with clean water and rinsed leaves, then loosened the soil by 2 cm.

How to cure cucumbers from diseases?

In addition to pests, cucumbers attack different diseases, and they also need to fight. The most common of these are gray rot, white rot, powdery mildew, root rot, mosaic and olive spot of fruit.

From diseases of cucumbers can be used as folk remedies, and finished preparations. For example, if you notice spots on the leaves with a furry bloom - gray rot , then you know that removing it will help the sticking of leaves with ordinary ash. Irrigation during the treatment procedures should be temporarily discontinued.

White rot is treated with sprinkling with lime-pushenka. In this case, the damaged areas need to be removed, and as prevention prevent excessive moisture, thickening of plantings and weak ventilation.

From powdery mildew, spraying with a solution of Mullein or colloidal sulfur is used. Affected areas can be powdered with wood ash or completely remove them.

To prevent the development of root rot, you need to plant cucumbers in a previously disinfected soil, do not allow waterlogging and temperature changes. Sick places can be sprinkled with chalk or ash, and if the case is neglected - remove the plant with a clod of earth and burn it.

Ordinary mosaic on cucumbers with characteristic swelling on leaves and fruits is a consequence of the spread of infection through weeds and infected seeds. Illtened plants need to be removed, and all inventory should be disinfected in bleach or manganese potassium.

If an olive spot is found, you need to stop watering for 5 days, spray the plants with "Oxihom" or Bordeaux fluid. For prevention, you must not allow high humidity, watering with cold water and drafts.