How to care for tomatoes in a greenhouse - the secrets of early harvest

A juicy healthy vegetable is the result of painstaking work, since it is difficult to care for tomatoes in a greenhouse. The culture requires careful observance of humidity and air temperature, the tomato bush reacts even to the slightest changes in the greenhouse conditions.

Caring for tomatoes after landing in a greenhouse

Every vegetable needs time to adapt, when it comes to seedling method. After changing the permanent place of growth, it is important to help the seedlings to get used to and not die in the new conditions:

  1. For about ten days the bushes have enough to adapt. In this period it is advisable not to look after them at all.
  2. At the end of this period, the bushes are tied up and watered.
  3. Caring for tomatoes after planting in the greenhouse is to maintain a constant balance: the tomato loves moisture at the roots, but the dry air around the stems.
  4. Lack of nutrients is not a problem to fill, but overfeeding of tomatoes with fertilizers leads to irreparable results.
  5. At this stage, the first pasynkovanie .

Caring for tomatoes in the greenhouse during flowering

Flowering bush - a pledge of abundant fruiting. It is important how to care for the tomato seedlings in the greenhouse at this time, but even more important is the sense of proportion. In this issue, it is worth outlining the basic principles of caring for a flowering plant:

  1. The goal is to get a juicy healthy vegetable. Therefore, we will feed the bush not with nitrogen fertilizers, but with potassium fertilizers. Adhere to norms and recommendations extremely accurately, because excess fertilizing will lead to the fall of the inflorescence.
  2. The second most important point, how to care for tomatoes in the greenhouse during flowering - repeated pasynkovanie. This is the correct formation of the fetus, and the prevention of late blight .
  3. Flowers in nature are pollinated by bees, and in the greenhouse their role is performed by the summer resident himself, because care of tomatoes is also necessary at this stage. We choose a warm sunny day, take flower brushes and only slightly shake them. After a couple of hours we open the ventilation pans to lower the humidity.

How to properly care for tomatoes in the greenhouse during fruiting?

At the stage of formation of the fetus, new features appear, how best to care for tomatoes in the greenhouse:

  1. Excessive watering leads to bush fattening, when the flowers fall, but the green mass prevails. Lack of moisture and light leads to the dropping of the ovary and small fruits, while the sheets are directed strictly upward and do not curl.
  2. The second problem is the development of the crop only on the first brush. After pasynkovaniya leave two or three brushes for the formation of fruit. Wake up on the fruiting will help remove the first green harvest from the main brush.
  3. The maturation of the fetus and its quality depend on the amount of light. If there are shady trees growing around the greenhouse, or high bushes inside, this will negatively affect the yield of tomatoes.

How to water tomatoes in a greenhouse?

Tomatoes are demanding to the moisture of the earth. Moisture in the soil - a pledge of good taste qualities of the crop, its size. Each stage has its own peculiarities, as it is necessary to water the tomatoes in the greenhouse:

How to water tomatoes after planting in a greenhouse?

Before the beginning of flowering on each square it is necessary to use up to six liters of water, after budding it will take fifteen. Watering tomatoes in a glasshouse made of polycarbonate is carried out by different methods:

Before the flowering, watering is carried out at a frequency every six days, then as the crust forms on the upper layer of the soil. It is important to water with water about 22 ° C, during the drought it is permissible to increase the frequency of watering. In greenhouse conditions, it is recommended to water in the morning hours, so that you do not leave the roots of bushes in the wet soil for the night and prevent condensation on the walls of the greenhouse.

How many times need to water the tomatoes in the greenhouse?

According to general recommendations, how to care for tomatoes in the greenhouse, in most regions, watering every six days. However, the regime is permissible to change, depending on the weather conditions. In a hot period, care for seedlings and water them more often. With the arrival of a wet season or a noticeable drop in temperature, the frequency is reduced: we wait for the top layer of the soil to take up the crust. The care of tomatoes after transplantation in a greenhouse is based on regular watering and ventilation: the roots need moisture, greenery - fresh air and oxygen.

How to care for tomatoes in a greenhouse - top dressing

The introduction of fertilizers at each stage must be timely, in the right quantities. For greenhouse cultivation there are recommendations:

  1. After landing on a permanent place for the first time, tomatoes are fed in twenty days. Use organic and complex fertilizers.
  2. Ten days later, they begin to feed the bushes a second time. Organic fertilizers are also used, it is possible to make granular complex fertilizers.
  3. After two weeks mineral fertilizing in the form of liquid solutions and nitrofosses is introduced into the ground.
  4. In ten days follows the fourth feeding: potassium sulfate, granulated ready fertilizers.
  5. The last time they make organic is a couple of weeks after the fourth feeding.
  6. It is admissible to dress tomatoes in the greenhouse with folk remedies in the form of infusions from the tops, wood ash.

How to care for tomatoes in a greenhouse - pasynkovanie

The purpose of pasynkovaniya - to increase the weight of the fetus and accelerate its maturation. For a beginner, care in a greenhouse is always an experiment: if after pasynkovaniya bushes of tomatoes stopped growing, the scheme is chosen incorrectly. There are several options for removing the processes:

  1. Formation in one stem involves the removal of all stepsons and false branching at the top of the bush. Suitable for tall varieties prone to abundant branch.
  2. When forming in two stems leave only the first sprout under the first brush. From it in the future, remove all lateral processes. Suitable for medium-height varieties.
  3. Leaving the first stepson, you can choose one more sturdy lower, and leave it to form a bush in three sprouts.

Proper care for tomatoes in the greenhouse - garter

The procedure is carried out in one step, preferably before watering. For the garter, take the wire or special rope. Place them directly over the bush. On the line or twine knit loops, to which then rubber rings are fixed and bushes fixed. The care of tomatoes after planting in the greenhouse begins in a week and a half and with this procedure: it is important to remove all the extra sprouts and give the bush the opportunity to actively grow into growth, and then keep the stems on the stems.