Acne on the neck

Acne is a common skin problem not only in adolescents, as is commonly believed, but also in adults whose hormonal system has long since settled.

Acne is prone to both men and women, and the cause is often hormonal causes, namely, an excess of testosterone.

But the causes of acne on the neck may be other factors - inadequate hygiene, malnutrition, bad habits, disturbed mode of the day and many others.

Why does acne appear on the neck?

The causes of acne on the back can be numerous, because any pathology is often accompanied by the coincidence of several unfavorable factors.

View of Eastern specialists on the problem

Why there are pimples on the neck, can answer the eastern experts. They developed a so-called acne map, according to which the problem on the skin manifests if one of the organs is ill. If you believe this position, then acne on the neck can arise due to inflammation of the genitourinary system. Therefore, if they appeared, it would not be superfluous, first of all, to pay attention to this area of ​​the body and conduct surveys. Perhaps there is some kind of chronic disease.

Improper hygiene

If there are pimples behind the neck, then this may mean that the proper hygiene is observed - perhaps, poor-quality detergents are used or the sponge for the shower needs replacement. It is important to determine what kind of acne that arises - if they are deeply rooted and painful, and also contain pus, then most likely the problem lies not in impaired hygiene.

Long hair

Women with long hair, and prone to increased sweating, may also suffer from recurring acne in this area. The fact is that in hot time, hair, covering the neck, can pollute it if the head is not washed daily, and since they create an additional warming effect, this creates a favorable environment for bacteria.

Hormonal disorders

If there are pimples on the neck, then there is a large share of the probability that the cause lies in the disturbed hormonal background. Acne can occur before menstruation, when the female body also experiences a change in the hormonal background. If acne occurs continuously, it is possible that the cause was an excess of testosterone hormone. It leads to the activation of the sebaceous glands, which are clogged with insufficient purification.


Some people believe that our skin is so beautiful, how well our food is properly organized. With this it is difficult not to agree, because any disruption of the digestive tract leads to rashes that may occur in the neck. Therefore, you need to establish a chair and eat healthy food.

Treatment for acne on the neck

Before treating acne on the neck, you need to determine what caused them.

General methods of treating acne are the same regardless of where they are located.

First of all, you need to organize the right hygiene - replace the shower sponge and use it twice a day.

Then pay attention to the hair cosmetics, if they are long - probably one of the means is applied to the neck due to contact with the hair, and creates a favorable environment for acne. The main substances that cause pimples are dimethicone, silicone and mineral oil.

For preventive purposes, you can drink a course of sorbents - for 7 days, and then a course of probiotics to establish intestinal microflora. This method can help if the cause of pimples are permanent constipation.

At the same time, use funds to treat acne , but this is only a symptomatic technique that does not eliminate the real problem.

The simplest of these drugs is salicylic acid. Wipe it with an area of ​​acne, not forgetting at the same time about moisturizing.

Its effectiveness has long been proven by the Klerasil system - purchase several skin care products (cleansing and moisturizing) for a quick effect.