When to plant a melon on the seedlings?

Aromatic sweet melon is not only a favorite fruit, but also a subject of close attention of many land owners. However, it is not so simple to grow this gourmand representative, especially taking into account our climate features. But there is a way out - first you should do the melon seedling, and then later planting it in the open ground. However, many inexperienced truck farmers are concerned about when to plant a melon on seedlings. This is what will be discussed.

When to plant a melon on the seedlings?

It's no secret that melons and gourds differ in light and thermophilic properties. Unfortunately, most of our regions can not boast of appropriate climatic conditions, and therefore planting a plant with a fragrant fruit is possible only through seedlings.

As for the moment when to sow a melon on the seedlings, it is necessary to take into account the kind of variety. It should be noted that the transplanting period of melons, as a rule, is quite short: from 20 to 30-35 days. In addition, your climatic conditions are an important aspect in choosing the time to grow melon seedlings at home.

In southern regions, growing melon seedlings does not make sense at all. Heat comes there early, so to plant the seeds in the open ground proceed, as soon as the earth warms up to a comfortable 15 degrees.

If, for example, the warm weather in your region is established by mid-May, then it is recommended to plant the seeds of this melon culture in the beginning or middle of April.

In those northern or Siberian regions, where the temperature regime suitable for melons (+ 20 + 25 degrees) is set in June, the cultivation of seedlings should be done in late April or early May. Such a timely planting will allow growing tall and strong shoots, without fear of losing precious seedlings due to cold weather.