House flower happiness tree

Among the many plants of the Tolstyan family, a succulent perennial shrub of Aichrizones is distinguished. Its popular name is a tree of happiness or a tree of love. In nature, the flower is found in the tropical climate of the Canary and Azores, in Morocco and Portugal.

In the people it is commonly believed that room ayzrizon contributes to the preservation of well-being and peace in the family. There is even such a sign: if you in your room luxuriantly expanded and blossomed an ayrrizone, then in your family there is love and happiness.

The trunk of a flower in the room is not lignified by the tree of happiness. In height, the flower can reach 30 cm. Its dark green, soft-leafed leaves resemble a heart in shape. For this flower and received such a name. Small flowers of plants, collected in panicles, have the form of asterisks. The flowers have a pleasant aroma, they are painted in yellow, red or cream shades.

Most often in the room conditions such varieties of a tree of happiness are grown, as a point, tortuous, prostrate, peeled, domestic.

How to care for a tree of happiness?

For the proper care of the tree of happiness, it is necessary to pinch it and cut off the tops during the whole period of vegetation. The flower loves places with diffused sunlight. The optimal option will be the content of the ayrzonin on the east or west window. If you have placed it on a southern window, do not forget about the shading from the bright midday rays of the sun. In order for the crown to grow evenly, it is necessary to rotate the pot with an ayrzonis from time to time.

Plant the aichrone in a shallow pot with drainage. The plant will feel best in a clay pot. The soil mixture should consist of a sheet, humus, sod land with the addition of sand, pieces of coal and brick chips. After the plant is transplanted, it should not be watered for five days.

The flower does not like excess moisture. Therefore, it should be watered moderately. In the spring-summer period, watering is increased, and in winter - reduced. In the summer it is recommended for aihrizona occasionally to arrange washing under a warm shower.

To achieve flowering of the indoor plant of the tree of happiness, it is necessary to observe certain rules. Wintering the flower should be cool, and the place for it - bright and sunny. The plant should not be overfed with nitrogen fertilizing, and the pot for it should be small.

For the first time blossom Aichrizone can at the age of 2-3 years. Blossoming of some of its varieties can last up to six months. In this case, the flower loses up to 2/3 of all its leaves. After the flowering has ended, you should cut off all the stems, increase the watering a bit and feed the plant with a complex fertilizer that contains a reduced amount of nitrogen.