How to brew jam from cloudberries?

Moroshka - a kind of perennial semi-shrubby or herbaceous plants with creeping rhizome and edible berries, belongs to the genus Rubus (Malina) of the Rosaceae family. The height of the plant is usually no more than 30 cm. The fruits of cloudberry look like raspberries, but they have a special taste, smell and aroma, the color of ripe berries is orange-red (collected in July-August). Usually, cloudberry grows on peat bogs, in shrub and moss tundra, in swamp forests of the Arctic and northern forest belts of the Northern Hemisphere, as well as in the middle belt of the European part of Russia, Siberia, the Far East, and Belorussia. If desired, cloudberry is quite successfully cultivated.

In the mature berries cloudberry contains many useful substances: proteins (0.8%), polysaccharides (6%), vegetable fibers (3.8%), organic acids (citric, apple, etc.), vitamins: C, B, PP , A, compounds of potassium, iron, phosphorus, cobalt, anthocyanins, as well as tannins and pectins.

The cloudberry fruits (and some other parts of this plant) have medicinal properties and are widely used in traditional folk medicine. The mulberry is harvested for winter in various ways, including, and jam is cooked.

Tell you how to make a delicious jam from cloudberries. Immediately understand one important point. Many people are interested in how much (more precisely, for how long, how long) to cook jam from cloudberries? A universal rule. In most cases, the less thermally processed any fruit or berry, the more useful substances in it are preserved (including, and vitamin C, so needed by the human body). This rule is not valid only for tomatoes.

The recipe for a tasty jam "five minutes" made of cloudberry



We'll pick out the berries of cloudberries, remove the spoiled and underserved. We put them in a colander or sieve, we wash under a gentle stream of running cold water. Let's set aside, let the water drain.

Prepare sugar syrup to fill the berries. In a small pot (best enameled), let's pour water and fill in the sugar. We put the pan on the fire and, stirring, bring to a boil. Sugar should dissolve completely. After a confident boil, cook the syrup for 3 minutes, then remove the pan from the fire.

We transfer the pure berry to the enameled or aluminum basin and carefully pour the prepared syrup. We put the pelvis on fire and on low heat, periodically gently and gently stirring with a wooden spoon or spatula, bring to a boil. Foam, formed by boiling, must be removed with a spoon. After boiling, boil the jam for 5 minutes, then turn off the heat and cool to room temperature.

The second time we bring the jam to a boil on low heat, boil for another 5 minutes, and turn off the fire.

After a second boiling cycle, you can extract all the berries from the syrup and thoroughly wipe through a fine sieve. The resulting mass is cooled and returned to syrup .

The third time we bring the jam to a boil, boil for another 5 minutes and pour into the steam sterilized jars. Banks either roll up with tin lids, turn and cover until completely cooled, or put plastic covers on them.

We store jars of cloudberry jam in the cellar or on the glassed verandah, loggia with a minimum plus temperature. These wonderful pieces perfectly diversify our tea-drinking in the cold season. Well, if you cure colds, inflammatory diseases, or if your body needs vitamin vitamins, cloudberry jam will be a joy to help you and your family.