Cucumbers with aspirin for the winter - 8 unsurpassed home preservation recipes

Cucumbers with aspirin for the winter come out crispy and incredibly appetizing. Aspirin acts as an excellent preservative in this case, it does not allow the blanks to deteriorate and explode. Cucumber with it can be prepared with various additives in the form of greens, spices and even tomatoes.

How to salt cucumbers with aspirin?

Cucumbers with aspirin can be cooked in different ways. They are salted, marinated, covered with tomatoes and various spices, but for each of these methods of harvesting there are general rules, following which the vegetables will turn out to be incredibly tasty and aromatic.

  1. If you use cucumbers, which are only ripped from the bed, they should be filled with water for at least a couple of hours. So they will come out more crispy.
  2. Aspirin is added to the jars in powdered form.
  3. When using the hot preservation method, the cans are rolled up, turned upside down and covered with something warm.

Freshly salted cucumber with aspirin

The recipe for cucumbers with aspirin, presented later, the more noteworthy that the snack is not too salty, but rather salted, as in the summer. A special piquancy to the vegetables from this recipe is attached by the addition of a bulb. By adding aspirin, the billet can be safely stored without a cellar.



  1. Lay the spices and spices on the bottom of the sterilized can.
  2. Place the washed cucumber and onion rings.
  3. There put aspirin.
  4. The water is diluted with salt and boiled for a couple of minutes.
  5. The resulting solution is poured into cans and rolled up.

Marinated cucumbers with aspirin and vinegar

Cucumbers with aspirin and vinegar, cooked according to this recipe, have a pleasant sweet and sour taste and light ostrinku. Such a preparation does not require sterilization - a three-time pouring and use of aspirin will allow to preserve conservation in the conditions of the city apartment until the new harvest.



  1. To the bottom of the cans put horseradish leaves, then lay cucumbers.
  2. On top, inflorescences of dill, spices, pour boiling water and leave for 10 minutes.
  3. Pour into the pan water, boil and pour it into cucumbers again.
  4. After 10 minutes, the water is poured into a saucepan, sugared, salted and boiled.
  5. They put garlic, acetylsalicylic acid in the cans, pour boiling brine, vinegar and immediately cucumber with aspirin for the winter roll.

Marinated cucumbers with aspirin without vinegar

Cucumbers for the winter with aspirin without vinegar to cook a pleasure, because it's fast and very simple. To make the vegetables "come down" they need to be wrapped up warmer and left so until the cooling is complete and only after that you can clean them for further storage. The recipe contains a basic set of spices, if desired, you can add spices to your taste.



  1. At the bottom of the cans put greens, garlic, cucumbers and fill them with aspirin.
  2. For brine, the salt is stirred in water and boiled.
  3. The boiling brine is filled in with jars and rolled up.

Marinated cucumbers with aspirin and citric acid

Marinated cucumbers with aspirin for winter with the use of citric acid - a real find, when pickled vegetables like, and billets using a bite for some reason can not be used. After the cans have rolled up, they need to be gently but repeatedly shaken intensively so that the salt, sugar and acid dissolve.



  1. All ingredients are placed in cans, except cucumbers.
  2. Then spread the cucumber, pour boiling water and immediately roll up, put upside down, wrap.

Cucumbers for winter with mustard and aspirin

Cucumbers with aspirin and mustard for the winter turn out to be moderately salty, sharp and incredibly appetizing. To make the vegetables better salted, they need to cut off the tips from both sides beforehand, and at the request of each cucumber can be cut into 4 parts and so close, then it is more convenient to use liter jars.



  1. Pickling cucumbers with acetylsalicylic acid begins with the fact that the vegetables are spread over cans, pour boiling water, allow to stand for 5 minutes, pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  2. Pour the remaining ingredients into the jars, pour boiling water, roll up and send cucumbers with aspirin for the winter under the plaid to cool down.

Cucumbers of cold salting for the winter with aspirin

Pickling cucumbers with aspirin in a cold way allows you to get vegetables that taste like barrels. It is important to use high-quality water - preferably well, spring or at least purchased. Tap water for these purposes can not be categorically used.



  1. Cucumbers and herbs are placed on cans.
  2. Over salt and aspirin are poured in and poured in cold spring water.
  3. Immediately close capron lids and clean the canned cucumbers with aspirin in the cold.

Cucumbers with aspirin and vodka for the winter

Cucumbers with acetylsalicylic acid for the winter will be a favorite preparation for those who try them at least once. They are produced in moderately salty, sharp and crunchy. Vodka in the recipe acts as an additional preservative and does not feel at all in the finished product. Greenery, from which the cucumbers were salted, can not be put into the cans, because all the flavor and aroma it has already given to the pickle.



  1. Pickling cucumbers with aspirin begins with the fact that the enameled pot is laid out with greens and cucumbers.
  2. Fill with a brine welded from water and salt.
  3. After 3 days, the cucumbers are washed and laid out on cans.
  4. Brine boil, pour them cucumbers, add vodka, aspirin and roll.

Cucumbers and tomatoes with aspirin

Cucumbers with tomatoes and aspirin for the winter are a very good solution for homemade billet in the form of assorted. Still sometimes in a can put slices of sweet pepper. Tomatoes are better to use dense varieties such as "Cream". At will, you can put dill inflorescences, tarragon or any other greens to your taste in the jar, the same applies to spices.



  1. Tomatoes and cucumbers are placed in a jar.
  2. There, too, put garlic, spices and pour boiling water.
  3. After about 20 minutes, it is drained, sugared, salted and boiled.
  4. In the jar put acetylsalicylic acid, pour brine and immediately cucumber with tomatoes with aspirin for the winter roll.