Physalis for the winter

The variety of recipes for the preparation of these fruits is not yet very large. Therefore, since the winter is on the nose, we suggest that you make billets from a remarkable vegetable physalis, thereby you can expand your assortment of conservation.

How to cook jam from the physalis for the winter?



The washed, dried fruits of ripe vegetable fungal are cut into 4-5 lobules and placed in a metal container. We pour half of the sugar and leave the physalis in this form for an hour. From the remaining sugar and water, for 6 minutes, cook the usual sweet syrup. Fill them with fruits in a bowl and send the container to the burner. We cook the delicious jam on the gas stove for about 15 minutes, and then lay it out on carefully roasted in the oven banks and securely cork them.

Recipe for pickled fizalis for the winter



Three times scalded with boiling water boiled banks, volume of 0.7 liters, spread on a stick of fragrant cinnamon, 3 buds of cloves and a pair of sliced ​​slices of horseradish.

The rest of the space in the glass containers is filled with carefully washed physalis and, until the extreme edge of the neck, we pour it only with brine from small salt, sugar and vinegar removed from the plate. We send physalis for sterilization to the gas stove and observe this process for 15 minutes. Next, we cork all the containers with boiled lids and hide them under a thick plaid until morning.

Salad from vegetable physalis for the winter



All the peeled vegetables are cut into half rings. We prepare the fragrant peppercorns and laurel leaves according to properly prepared liter containers. Next, the first layer is laid on the cans of onions, followed by a vegetable physalis and we distribute the cucumbers from above. In good water, add sugar and, of course, salt. Bringing our brine to the boiling point, cook it for a minute and immediately fill it with a salad. We subject it to the process of sterilization in containers with water and, after 18-20 minutes, tightly roll all the cans with tin lids.

Compote from the Physalis for the winter



Physalis is scalded with steep boiling water, and then we move the vegetable to a processed 3-liter jar. Fill all the fruits with boiling water, and after half an hour, merge the well-cooled water and, pouring fine sugar into it, we send it back to the burner. Sweet syrup poured back into the glass jar and quickly roll it. For about 20 hours put the compote under the quilt.