Astilba - preparation for winter

From a distance, bright red inflorescences of astilba are visible, so many growers gladly plant them. The popularity of this perennial flower is also enhanced by the fact that it can be grown under trees and near bushes. Since these areas usually remain naked, because flowering plants need to be taken away, mainly, a sunny place.

Astilba is a herbaceous plant with an interesting inflorescence in the form of panicles of small flowers of pink, red or white color on a high stem and beautifully ornamented leaves on brown cuttings. Thanks to spreading foliage, it is an ornament of the garden not only during flowering (almost the whole of July), but all the rest of the year.

This plant is considered frost-resistant, as it often grows in the mountains on mountains (up to 4800 m). Therefore, many growers say that astilba should not be prepared for wintering. Which is not entirely true. The activities necessary for it depend on its age and climatic zone, where it grows.

In this article, we will consider how to prepare an astilbum for winter, taking into account the factors listed above

Preparation of an Astilbe for Winter

If you want to get a strong bush, then care for Astilba for the winter must start in the summer. To do this, the young plant should be cut off the flower spike as soon as it appears. Further, it is only necessary to regularly weed the earth around the bush to prevent the formation of a hard crust. This must be done very carefully, so as not to damage the roots.

Crop all the leaves of young Astilba for the winter will be necessary when the first autumn frosts pass and the ground part blackens. Do this usually on a par with the soil. Then it will be enough to make a hill with a height of 3-4 cm above the stump and to cover the landing site with a thin layer of peat or dry leaves. Also for this, you can use a finely chopped bark or well-bred dung.

In the next few years, caring for a healthy Astilba bush will be to prune it for the winter under the root and mulch the previously listed means. This is very important in order that the plant does not freeze. After all, the growth of the rhizome takes place upward, which means that gradually it is bare and becomes vulnerable to frost. Also, if this is not done, then in spring the plant will be weak, which means that it will not be long and short.

At the age of 4-5 years, astilba needs not just mulching the soil for the winter, but in a full-fledged shelter. For this, traditional cutting of the stem and leaves is performed first. Then around it is installed a wooden frame (it can be made from any materials). Inside of him fall dry dead leaves, and on top stretched nonwoven material, such as spunbond or lutrasila. To prevent the ingress of water into the middle, which is the cause of the death of plants in the winter period, we cover this structure with a polyethylene film and press it around the edges so that it will not be blown away by the wind.

It is very important to make astilba before wintering as much as possible, because it depends on it, whether it will carry winter and early spring frosts. To further increase the chances of the plant to survive, it is recommended to feed it in the autumn. This can be done by applying potash and phosphoric fertilizing to the soil (at a rate of 25 g of the drug per each bush). You can also use organic fertilizers (for example: manure). Due to its slow rate of decomposition in spring the flower will receive additional nutrition in an affordable form, which will ensure a longer and abundant flowering in the summer.