Fashion of the 16th century

The 16th century in Europe brought a huge variety of new products to the global fashion industry. Lushness, volume, unexpected combinations of cuts and cuts, neckline in men's fashion, shoes with square noses and incredible popularity of various perfumes - this was the fashion of the 16th century in Europe. At the same time in Russia, the simplicity and form of the boyars' clothes acquired a special spectacularity and richness of decorative decoration. Such outfits gave the figure a splendor and majesty.

History of fashion of the 16th century in Russia

Russia has vast territories. On its expanses lives a large number of peoples with different traditions and folk costumes. So, in the north of the country was spread a shirt, sarafan and kokoshnik , and in the south - shirt, kichka and skirt-poneva.

But still you can designate a kind of common Central Russian costume. This is a long shirt, swinging sarafan, kokoshnik and woven shoes. The straight cut was predominant, the undershirt was long and reached the hem of the sarafan. Male costume was not very special. A long shirt from a homespun cloth - to the middle of the thigh, sometimes to the knees, and the ports - narrow, tight-fitting legs, from the striped canvas. There were no pockets, and the top of his pants was tied with a cord or rope. It should be noted that women's fashion of the 16th century in Russia is practically the absence of differences in the style of clothing of peasants and nobles.

History of fashion in the 16th century in Europe

First of all it is necessary to say that this is the epoch of the Renaissance. Perfums have completely replaced hygienic procedures, as a consequence of strict church regulations and a ban on the use of baths.

In France, the loose sleeves of the camisoles are decorated with cuts, and men's shirts and blouses are sewn from the neckline. Since 1540, Spanish stiffness conquered Europe. High collars, tightly buttoned blouses, men have swords on their sides. Only Venice remained wayward: lush dresses, blond hair and incredible shoes, increasing the growth of young ladies by 30 centimeters.

As you can see, women's fashion of the 16th century is quite diverse, bright, and even quite unexpected.