Soup with mushrooms

Let's consider with you today some recipes for making soup-mashed potatoes from champignons. The dish turns out to be incredibly delicious with a tender consistency and delicious mushroom flavor.

Dietary mushroom soup with mushrooms



We remove the bulb from the husks and crush it arbitrarily. Mushrooms champignons are processed, cut in half and shredded slices. Then lay the ray in a deep frying pan with melted butter and simmer on medium heat for 10-15 minutes. After this, throw the mushrooms to him, mix and mix everything together for another 10 minutes, stirring.

Do not waste time in vain, let's cook while toast . To do this, white bread cut into cubes, pour a small amount of vegetable oil and cook in the oven or on the stove to ruddy. Now we pour a glass of water gently to the vegetables, throw the spices, chopped greens, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Next, take the blender and beat the soup at high speed until smooth. After pouring the cream, bring to a boil and turn off. That's all, creamy mushroom soup with champignons with a delicate taste is ready.

Cheese cream soup with mushrooms



Pour boiled water into a saucepan and put it on the fire. This time while preparing all the vegetables: clean, rinse and grind in random pieces. Carrots can be rubbed on a large grill, and the bulb and potatoes are best cut into traditional small cubes. Then we pour the potatoes into the boiling water and cook it for about 5 minutes. At the same time, pour oil into the frying pan and fry the carrot and the onion in it. Then transfer the roast into a pot with potatoes.

From the champignons merge the marinade, if the mushrooms are whole, shred them into pieces and send them to the rest of the vegetables. We chop the sausage with straws and after 5 minutes we also throw them into the soup. Garlic is cleaned, finely cut with a knife and together with a laurel leaf, salt and pepper is added to the rest of the ingredients. After another 2-3 minutes send them processed cheese . Now we wait until it completely dissolves, remove the pan from the fire and whisk everything with a blender until a homogeneous mass is obtained. We pour out the ready mushroom soup with mushrooms on a plate and invite everyone to dinner.

Potato soup with mushrooms



Peeled potatoes are boiled in boiling salted water. Then gently drain the broth, but do not pour out. Champignons and onions are cleaned, shredded and sliced ​​on vegetable oil approximately 10 minutes. If the mushrooms are dry, then pre-soak them for an hour for 2, then boil and quickly fry. Remember that with dried mushrooms the soup turns out much more fragrant. Now mix onion, mushrooms and boiled potatoes with a good blender, until uniform, pour in the cream and if the soup turned out to be very thick, then dilute it with potato broth. After this, we bring everything to the boil, but do not boil. We pour out a delicious soup-puree from champignons on plates, sprinkle with chopped dill and serve to the table.