Sauce from mushrooms

Mushroom sauce is considered to be one of the most universal. Firstly, the mushrooms themselves are equally well combined with both creamy and tomato bases for gravy, and secondly, they are able to perfectly complement dishes from vegetables or meat, as well as any side dishes.

Postal sauce from champignons



In the saucepan, let's pass the finely chopped onion until golden. We add mushrooms to the pasturing (it is possible to prepare mushroom sauce from frozen mushrooms) and fry all together for another 3-5 minutes, after which we supplement the contents of the saucepan with the garlic passed through the press and continue cooking for a minute.

Fill mushrooms and onions with vegetable broth , add soy sauce . Separately mix the flour with soy milk and pour the resulting solution into the sauce. I simmer the stew on low heat for 15 minutes, then season it to taste.

Recipe for gravy from dried mushrooms

The sauce from dry mushrooms is a recipe for a fragrant and very delicate addition to your favorite dishes.



Fungi filled with warm water and leave to soften for 30 minutes. We squeeze excess fluids, but chop the mushrooms ourselves. In a frying pan, warm the oil and fry on it chopped onions and garlic until golden brown. After add white wine and increase the heat, evaporate the liquid for 7 minutes, then add rosemary, mushrooms, both types of broth and sour cream. In a liquid in which mushrooms were soaked, add flour and mix thoroughly so that no lumps form. Pour the liquid into the gravy and wait until it thickens. Ready sauce with mushrooms and sour cream is seasoned with butter and served to the table.

Mushroom sauce from champignons

Whatever one may say, the most accessible mushrooms at the present time are mushrooms. Inexpensive and extremely tasty, they are an excellent basis for various sauces and gravy, and this recipe is no exception. To make the company familiar to us champignons may be less common shiitake, but if you can not find them - safely replace them with an equivalent number of champignons.



Butter butter or melt and we pass on it the chopped onions up to a transparency. Add to chicken pieces of chicken fillet and continue cooking until the chicken pieces are covered with a golden crust. Separately in butter, fry chopped mushrooms and shiitake until the excess liquid is evaporated from them. Mix the mushrooms and chicken in one pan and fill it with a mixture of cream and broth. We evaporate the sauce halfway, holding the frying pan over low heat. In the ready sauce, add the crumbled cheese with mold and carefully mix everything.

This sauce with mushrooms and chicken is best served with freshly brewed pasta, or potatoes.