How to deal with the whitefly - the most effective ways

When growing many garden crops it is important to protect them from pests that can significantly reduce yields and even completely destroy the plant. Useful is the information on how to deal with the whitefly, as inconspicuous butterflies can cause serious harm.

What does a whitefly look like?

The insect presented is flying and it is shallow, so the length of the body is 1-2 mm. This moth has wax on its wings, similar to flour. There are several ways to defeat the whitefly, so it's important to know the enemy "in person". This type of insect has a complex development.

  1. The mobile larva finds the most suitable place for food and tightly adheres to the plant, creating a wax coating around itself.
  2. After the first molt, the larvae have reduced legs and mustaches, and it ceases to move. Through time, the shape of the body changes, and the larva stops eating.
  3. There is a restructuring of the body, so the whitefly is laid wings, legs, mustaches and other organs.
  4. After exiting the egg, the larva is externally similar to the grain that is attached to the underside of the leaves. From above it is covered with a wax coating, which will protect against the influence of any negative factors. Fight at this stage with insects is useless.
  5. Adult individuals are able to lay eggs in an amount of 130-280 pcs. in the form of a ring located on the inside of the sheet.

Pest of whitefly in the garden

The insect belongs to the polyphagous, and it loves cucumbers, feeding on their juice. The maximum distribution in numbers of whitefly reaches at the end of summer, when conditions are ideal for reproduction. It is important to know how to deal with the whitefly in the garden, since plants are more often affected in the open ground, where bushes are not protected by anything. To the main symptoms of appearance:

  1. Since whiteflies feed on the juice of plant cultures, they cause it to turn yellow. There is a deformation of the leaves, which dry up. After a while buds fall off and as a result fruits are not fastened.
  2. Insects on the top of the leaves form a sugary coating that shines. It reproduces mushrooms, causing enormous damage to plants. As a result, the leaves and fruits turn white, and after a while turn black.
  3. It is worth noting that the whitefly carries over 18 dangerous viral diseases, which are accompanied by various symptoms, for example, necrosis, mosaic and so on.

Whitefly in the greenhouse

In the hotbeds and greenhouses the insect gets harder, but it is worth noting that there for him created the ideal conditions for life and reproduction. Pests in enclosed premises can be found not only in summer, but in spring and autumn, and if the greenhouse is heated, they will live all year round. The greenhouse whitefly spreads quickly, so the previously mentioned symptoms are more pronounced and the plants lag behind in growth and look oppressed. In addition, the yield of cucumbers will significantly decrease.

Whitefly on indoor plants

Many flowers and other cultures in the home can be susceptible to attack by insects. The rules of how to get rid of whiteflies on indoor flowers, and a list of symptoms are identical with plants growing in open areas and in greenhouses. In addition, it is worth mentioning the reasons that provoke the appearance of pests, so it's a warm and humid environment, a lack of fresh air and a close arrangement of flowers relative to each other.

Folk remedies for white flies

People have experimentally identified a large number of ways that help in the fight against pests. For those who are interested in how to get rid of the whitefly by folk remedies , we offer such effective methods:

  1. Infusion of yarrow. The yarrow fights well with insects, from the leaves of which the solution is prepared. Spraying is carried out several times to completely destroy the insects. Prepare the infusion, given that 1 liter of water should account for 90 grams of leaves.
  2. Wood ash. Among gardeners, wood ash is a popular means, from which a solution is prepared, using 1 tbsp. for 5 liters of fluid. To insist all follows 3-4 hours. At the end of time, add 50 g of laundry soap to the infusion.
  3. Infusion of garlic. Finding out how to deal with the whitefly in folk ways, we suggest paying attention to the following available remedy: chop three garlic cloves, add water and insist 24 hours. Spray should be done several times.
  4. Soap solution. Purchase an economic or tar soap, chop it using a grater, and then, dissolve in water, taking into account the proportion 1: 6. Beat the liquid until the foam forms, and then apply on the leaves with a sponge. You can sprinkle the green parts with the prepared mortar, but then it should not be foamed. It is recommended to perform a new treatment in a week.
  5. Tincture from tobacco. Buy cigarettes, for example, "I'll accept." Remove the tobacco from the cigarettes and add it to a liter of warm water. Put the mixture in a dark place for five days and you can use the infusion. Carry out the procedure every three days until the pests disappear completely.
  6. Infusion of a dandelion. To prepare the preparation, take 40 grams of leaves and dandelion roots. Grind the vegetable raw material and fill it with a liter of water. Insist for 3-4 days, and then, strain and apply infusion for spraying plants. Carry out treatment a couple of times with a break in a week.

Ammonia alcohol from whitefly

A simple and affordable means for getting rid of insects is ammonia alcohol, the smell of which scares off "uninvited guests." Do not apply alcohol in a concentrated form, as it can cause a burn. Struggle against the whitefly in the greenhouse folk remedies is carried out with the help of a solution, for which 9 liters of water it is necessary to take 1 tbsp. spoon of ammonia. It is possible to perform the procedures only before flowering or not later than five days after its beginning. At home, this method of treatment is not recommended.

Traps for whitefly

Safe way to fight against insects are special traps - plates with a sticky poisonous surface. They can be purchased in stores. Traps are suspended in a greenhouse, and they move because of gusts of wind, which increases the number of caught whiteflies. It is worth noting that the devices are painted in bright colors, which attracts pests. Traps are effective in getting rid of different insects.

People's funds from the whitefly in the greenhouse can be made by themselves, for which take a piece of cardboard or plywood and paint it in yellow. Apply a sticky layer on top, for example, in a water bath, rosin must be melted and castor oil, petrolatum and honey added in equal amounts. Blend the mixture to homogeneity and apply to cardboard or plywood, and then hang the traps.

Preparations from whitefly

Many people prefer chemicals to pest control, which can be found in grocery stores. They are effective and safe for plants, if the dosage is correctly maintained. It is important to consider that the means of combating the whitefly can harm a person, so when using them it is important to wear a mask and gloves

"Teppeks" from the whitefly

The systemic insecticide is released in the form of water-dispersible granules. Among other drugs, "Teppeki" stands out because once the substance enters the pest, it stops eating and immediately dies. The duration of the drug is 30 days. There are a number of rules on how to deal with the whitefly with the help of the presented chemical:

  1. Cooking solution is necessary on the day of its use in the open air. Granules should be dissolved in warm water, given that 1 g is designed for 1.5-3 liters.
  2. Spray in the early morning or late evening in dry weather. If fighting with the whitefly in the greenhouse is being carried out, then it is important to ventilate it after the procedure.

"Benzyl benzoate" from whitefly

Many gardeners evaluated the effectiveness of the emulsion "Benelbenzoate", which is used to get rid of scabies mites, in the fight against pests. The remedy for whitefly is effective, and the result is visible after the first procedure, but it is recommended to re-spray to destroy the insects hatching from the eggs. To prepare the emulsion, it is necessary to take 30 ml of the preparation for 1 liter of water.

"Aktara" from the whitefly

A popular drug to fight insects at home is a strong systemic insecticide. Use "Aktaru" can be for watering flowers, and for spraying. When deciding what to poison a whitefly, one should suggest such methods:

  1. To carry out spraying, it is necessary to take 1 g of funds per 1.25 liters of water. This amount is enough for 25-30 plants.
  2. In the instructions how to deal with the whitefly with the help of "Aktara" by watering, it is indicated that 1 g of the preparation should be taken to prepare a solution for 10 liters.
  3. To obtain the result, the procedure is performed 2-4 times every 10-12 days. After spraying the drug should not be washed off.

"Tanrek" from the whitefly

The preparation is an insecticide of intestinal contact action, which fights with different pests. It is sold in the form of a concentrate that dissolves in water. It is worth noting that he has a third class of danger for people. "Tanrek" will protect the plants for 30 days. Describing how to treat whiteflies from plants, it is worth considering the features of using the drug "Tanrek":

  1. To prepare a solution in 10 liters of cold water, dissolve 5 ml of the product.
  2. Spend thorough spraying in the morning or evening, paying special attention to the lower part of the leaves, where the whitefly settles. To control insects, you can water the plantations from the watering can, but note that the concentration of the drug should be lower.
  3. The instructions on how to deal with the whitefly, it is indicated that you should use the prepared solution for two days, but it is better to do it right away. Repeat the procedure is recommended after 20 days.

"Spark of gold" from whitefly

An organic insecticide that is released as a liquid water-soluble concentrate. To fight the whitefly, they use it up to three times a season. The period of protective action is maintained for 14-30 days. Toxic substances penetrate the plant, and they are not afraid of precipitation. It is worth noting that this drug not only fights pests, but also stimulates the growth of green mass. There is an instruction on how to deal with the whitefly with the drug Iskra Zolotaya:

  1. To prepare a spray solution in 10 liters of water, place 5 ml of the product. If necessary, re-treatment is carried out not earlier than after 10-20 days.
  2. If the whiteflyfly fly attacked during flowering or fetal formation, then it is forbidden to use it with the help of the "Sparkling Gold".

"Imidor" from the whitefly

The drug is an insecticide of systemic action, which can be used to control a large list of pests. "Imidor" is a water-soluble concentrate with a hazard class of 3. For people who are interested in what to do if the whitefly attacks, many experts recommend taking this drug with a number of advantages. It provides long-term protection, can be used both in the open air and in the greenhouse. It should be noted that the preparation is phytotoxic.

  1. Spraying is carried out with a solution for which 5 ml of "Imidor" is mixed with 10 liters of water.
  2. Finding out how to deal with the whitefly, it should be noted that for efficiency it is necessary to use 10-30 liters of solution for every 100 m2.
  3. Only one treatment is allowed per season. Spraying should be done during the growing season.