Why do the leaves fall off the money tree?

Such unpretentious domestic plant as a money tree , called a plump dog and a coin tree, often tolerates all sorts of unfavorable conditions of detention and negligence of negligent florists. But sometimes he has obvious health problems that appear in the fall of the leaves. We will teach you how to determine the cause and cure the plant.

The causes of the fall of leaves in the money tree

This common problem can be associated with the following reasons:

  1. Wrong irrigation mode . Since the tolstyanka refers to succulents, that is, to plants that can accumulate moisture in the leaves and wait for a long drought, frequent watering can negatively affect its condition. Excessive watering will invariably lead to the fact that the flower starts to discard completely healthy leaves, and those who start to fade. However, it can not be watered for a long time, since this will lead to a loss of the elasticity of the leaves and, again, to their fall.
  2. Depending on the season , it is necessary to build the correct watering schedule. In the summer, you can water a thick-skinned woman every other day, but gradually, and in winter, reduce watering up to once a week. Make sure that the water does not stagnate in the pan, otherwise it will lead to decay of the roots, which is even worse than the simple fall of the leaves. If the roots are rotten, you need to transplant the plant into a new pot, after removing all the spoiled roots. To avoid problems in the future, take care of good drainage.
  3. Excessive sunlight . Direct sunlight can lead to a strong heating of the leaves of the plant, as a result of which they will begin to become covered with brown spots and fall off. Do not place the pot with the plant on the southern windows. Also, do not sharply endure the flower in the open air after a long stay indoors. In addition to the sun, plants can be overheated by their proximity to radiators and heaters. It is for this reason that the leaves often fall in winter.
  4. Excess of mineral fertilizers in the soil. Unnecessarily caring and not particularly knowledgeable in fertilizers, the owners can simply overfeed the fattened with mineral salts, as a result of which the plant will begin to actively discard the leaves. How to save the money tree, if the leaves fall for this reason: you need to urgently transplant it into a new land, and from the excess salt to protect with charcoal. To avoid repetition of the situation, always carefully read the fertilizer manual and strictly observe the frequency and dosage of their application.
  5. Watering with ice water . It is inadmissible to water a fat woman, and any other plant, with water just taken from the tap. Water should be infused, warm to room temperature.
  6. Sharp temperature fluctuations . If the pot of money tree is standing in a draft or you carry it from a hot place to a cold, this can not but affect the state of the leaves. It is unacceptable to put a pot on a frosty window, because if the roots of a fat woman seriously froze, you will not be able to save a flower. It will only be possible to take cuttings and grow a new plant.
  7. Pests and diseases . They are often the answer to the question - why the money tree fall leaves. Most often, the lesion occurs as fungal diseases or various types of pests. Identify them can be quite difficult, so it is recommended to periodically carry out preventive spraying of a fatty woman with phytoverm and antifungal agent.
  8. Natural aging . If the fatty leaves turn yellow and fall off, and why you can not understand this, the plant probably outlived its time. It is no longer possible to help in this state. You can try to rejuvenate it, cutting it "on the stump."