How to peel a herring?

Katyusha joyfully ran from school, threw the bag into a corner and rushed to the kitchen. On the refrigerator hung a note from my mother, squashed by a magnet-dog: "Daughter, go to the store, buy a kilogram of potatoes, a dozen eggs, a packet of milk and a couple of herring. Take the money in the box on the shelf. "The girl, without thinking twice, went off to carry out the assignment. And after half an hour all the products were placed in places on a cozy kitchenette. Before my mother's arrival, there was still 2 hours left from work, and Katyusha decided to surprise her, prepare dinner for herself. And that, she is already an adult, 13 years old, after all. Fry potatoes, cut salad, brush herring, and everything. And the girl took up work. With potatoes and salad she managed to live, but how to properly clean herring, had no idea. I wanted so that my mother did not get her hands dirty, taking out the bones. I had to turn on the computer and see what the Web is all about. That's the result Katyusha discovered there.

How to properly clean the herring?

There were several options for cleaning herring. Some of them were offered by specialists from elite restaurants, others were taught by ordinary housewives, who got their culinary blog. But the principle underlying the herring science was almost the same for all - cleaned so that it was convenient to eat. Here are two options that are most suitable for young and inexperienced housewives, just beginning their way in the gastronomic field.

Option 1. How to properly clean the herring in a hurry?

For work we need:

Take the board, put paper or newspaper on it. On the newspaper put the herring head to the right, if you are right handed, or to the left, if left-handed, and gently on the edge of the gill cover, separate the head with the knife. Then turn the herring belly upward toward the head and carefully cut it across the central abdominal line. Try not to damage the caviar, if it is there. Next, gently push apart the ribs of the fish, opening the abdominal cavity, and remove the intestines. Use a napkin to wipe the fish from the inside and outside to remove possible dirt and intestinal films. If you leave them, then the herring will have a bitter taste. Everything, the fish is cleaned, cut it into portions and put it in a nice slide on a plate.

Option 2. How quickly and easily to clean the herring from the bones?

This method is suitable for cases when a herring wants to build a dish. For example, salad or pâté. And also, when the herring is served a festive table. The composition of objects for work is the same as in the previous case. And the beginning of the work too. So, to quickly clear the herring from the bones, cut off her head and cut along the middle line, but not the belly, and the back. To cut a back it is necessary very exactly up to the vertebral column, that the fish kakby fell apart into two halves. Then, from the edges of the back we poddevayem skin and gently remove it in one move from head to tail. It turned out naked bun in the middle herring. Now grasp one hand behind your spine, and the other - hold the fish. Slowly pull the spine toward you. Try not to damage the carcass. If the herring is well salted, the bones are extracted without difficulty. Lastly, clean the internals and look at the flesh for the remaining bones again. Everything, the work is done. You can cut the cleared flesh into pieces and praise yourself for skill and patience. And who else will do this, if not herself?

But my mother very much praised Katya. After all, the real mistress of the house is growing. Is able to do the cleaning, and cook dinner. And now he also knows as much as two ways how to properly clean the herring. Oh, and the wife from it will come out, just in weight of gold.