Actor Jared Leto interviewed reporters from Rolling Stone

Until the release of the long-awaited fantastic blockbuster "Squad of suicides" remains quite a bit. One of the main characters of this film, handsome Jared Leto, gave an interview to Rolling Stone and was photographed for his cover with a bare chest. The 44-year-old star does not hesitate to talk with journalists about enough "slippery" topics, namely about drugs, violence and career of a rock musician.

Not only an actor, but also a musician

Jared Leto told us why he stopped shooting in films at the time, and instead devoted himself to the musician's career:

"Many of my acquaintances did not understand me. My decision was called real madness. I still remember the list of films in which I could play if I did not go to another concert tour. And many of them became real masterpieces! ".
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Of course, reporters could not help asking Summer the question of his hero, the villain Joker. Here's what the actor told about this controversial character:

"Do not be surprised, but for Joker, violence is like air. It is comfortable for him to be in these circumstances. In order to reconcile with this, I deliberately looked at the real violence. And he came to the conclusion: this violence is not always done in a state of passion! Often a person does everything "with a cold head". He simply thinks through everything in advance, calculates, and then goes and does. "

The artist did not hesitate to tell about his experience of drug use:

"Many times I took a variety of substances, and it was fun. Just a couple of times I was lousy. For me, the question "Should I take or not take?" Is no longer worth it. I left these chemical experiments. Do you know the problem of drugs? The fact that their alternative is too expensive. Believe me, many of the available substances give just a flying effect, but there is a colossal risk. I remember well what happens if you do not count on your strength. "