Fighting the strawberry mite

In early spring, only the soil in the garden has dried up, it is necessary to start an active struggle against such pests as the strawberry mite, which is also called cyclamen. This is true for those gardeners who suffered from his life last season. One can not miss a day, because this insect reproduces with great speed and conquers all new territories.

How to deal with strawberry mites?

You should know that an active fight with the strawberry tick occurs in spring and summer, if necessary. You can not lose vigilance, because insects in a short period of time can render unfit for planting strawberries . They suck the cell sap from the plants, drying the leaves.

If you find that the young foliage strangely strangled, red spots and small holes appeared on it, the plants look underdeveloped - most likely the plant was attacked by this pest.

Destroy strawberry mites as such can. Let's find out how. Firstly, in the spring, before the appearance of young leaves, the soil around the bushes and the rosettes themselves are spilled with hot water (70 ° C). Secondly, when foliage starts growing and reaches half its length, it is necessary to apply the folk method - onion spraying.

To prepare the infusion, 200 grams of husk should be poured into 10 liters of boiling water and insisted for about 5 days. After filtering, the solution is poured into the sprayer and the plants and soil under them are treated. After that, for a few hours, plantations are covered with cellophane. This measure is more preventive than curative, but it helps to get rid of a possible infection.

In autumn, it is necessary to carefully destroy the old foliage, as a preventive measure, and if there has been an infection, then mow down it immediately after fruiting and burn. For healthy plantations, pests can occur when planting new varieties acquired both in stores and in spontaneous markets. To avoid this, new plants are soaked for 15 minutes in hot water (45 ° C), and only then planted in the ground.

Preparations for strawberry mites

In spring, even before flowering, it is good to treat the strawberry from the mite with a solution of colloidal sulfur (70%), and then again spray after two weeks. In addition to this drug, a Bordeaux liquid possesses a good activity against the strawberry mite, which must be prepared with a concentration of 3% and it must be treated with the other preparations.

In addition to these traditional means, heavy artillery is used in the fight against insects - drugs "Actellik", "Fufanon", "Kemifos". But it is worth remembering that you can use strawberries for food only a month after using these funds.