Red flat lichen in the oral cavity

Red flat lichen is a dermatological pathology of inflammatory nature, which causes damage to skin tissues, mucous membranes, in rare cases - nail plates. Sometimes there is an isolated inflammation of the mucous in the oral cavity with localization in the sky, cheeks, tongue, gums. The exact causes of pathology have not yet been established. It is noted that women older than 30 years are most susceptible to the disease.

Symptoms of red flat lichen mucosa of the oral cavity

There are several forms of pathology characterized by various manifestations:

  1. Plaque - rashes in the form of plaques or dense spots with uneven edges of a whitish hue, often forming on the tongue and the surface of the cheeks.
  2. Exudative-hyperemic - rashes in the form of papules of grayish color, forming a mesh, accompanied by general hyperemia of the mucosa.
  3. Bubble - rashes in the form of vesicles, having a different value (sometimes up to 5 mm), which after a couple of days after the appearance burst, forming sores.
  4. Erosive-ulcerative - a severe form, in which erosions (ulcers) of various shapes and sizes, covered with fibrous plaque, are formed in the mouth, and when bleeding, bleeding opens.
  5. Hyperkeralytic - rashes in the form of gray coarse plaques, towering above the surface of the mucous membrane.
  6. Bullous is a rare form in which dense bubbles up to 1.5 cm with bloody fluid inside appear in the oral cavity, which soon burst and are epithelialized.

Almost all forms of red flat lichen are accompanied by uncomfortable sensations, itching, burning, pain, aggravated during eating.

Treatment of red flat lichen in the oral cavity

In addition to the fact that the presence of this disease causes uncomfortable symptoms, with its long flow may malignancy of the elements (especially erosions). Therefore, with the treatment of red flat lichen in the mouth, you should not hesitate.

Before the beginning of therapy, a thorough examination of the whole organism is carried out, a number of studies and laboratory. Treatment includes the elimination of provoking factors, therapy of existing causative pathologies. The following groups of medicines can be used: