Vascular Therapy

Blood vessels permeate every centimeter of the human body, ensuring the flow of blood, and therefore oxygen, vitamins and minerals to all tissues. Therefore, their proper functioning is the key to the health and correct operation of any systems. Vascular therapy is designed to treat various forms of pathologies associated with impaired blood circulation. It consists of the coursework of individually selected medications.

Vascular therapy for the brain in atherosclerosis

The disease in question is usually caused by high blood pressure. In addition, atherosclerosis is fraught with serious complications in the form of myocardial infarction, hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke, brain edema.

Vascular therapy in this case is a combination of several types of medications:

1. Hypotensive:

2. Statins:

Also, vascular therapy for hypertension and sclerotic vascular lesions includes the use of vasoactive drugs that improve blood flow to the brain tissue, antiplatelet agents and neurometabolic cerebroprotectors.

Preparations of vascular therapy for osteochondrosis

The described pathology is accompanied by a strong pain syndrome, which is caused by swelling of surrounding tissues, an inflammatory process. As a result, nerve fibers that transmit impulses to the cardiovascular system are damaged. As a consequence, there is a spasm of the blood vessels, the current of the biological fluid is hampered.

To solve the problem, vasodilator drugs are prescribed:

Among the angioprotectors used are:

To improve blood circulation:

To reduce the fragility of the capillaries and strengthen the vessel wall helps Venoroton (Troxevasin) and preparations of vitamins P, C (Ascorutin).

Vascular therapy with hearing loss

Sensorineural hearing loss in most cases is caused by oxygen deficiency. The course of the disease is complicated by the presence of arterial hypertension and atherosclerosis of the vessels in the anamnesis.

Therefore, in the treatment of deafness, a general scheme for restoring blood circulation is practiced:

Recent clinical studies show that a very effective drug is Sermion, which has a pronounced nootropic and neuroprotective activity.

A number of recent experiments in the treatment of the disease in question also confirmed the need to include steroid hormones in a complex vascular treatment, in particular - Prednisolone . Its reception provides a rapid recovery of normal blood flow, elimination of symptoms of hypoxia and inflammatory process.

Vascular eye therapy for glaucoma

This disorder is inextricably linked with increased intraocular and arterial pressure, so vascular therapy is mainly in the intake of antihypertensive drugs:

Combined medicines are also used: