Bleeding from the anus

Bleeding from the anus can be profuse, but proceed without pain or, on the contrary, with severe discomfort. In any case, bleeding from the anus is a symptom of pathological changes in the body. Consider how you can get rid of the discharge of blood.

Than to treat a bleeding from an anus at a hemorrhoids?

Immediately it is worth noting that there is no single treatment regimen. Severe bleeding from the anus can develop as a result of cracks in the anus and rectum , oncological process, peptic ulcer. Depending on the reason, an individual program is made.

But most often the blood is present in the stool because of hemorrhoids. Therefore, we will understand what preparations will eliminate the symptom.

In acute and chronic course of hemorrhoids, medication is prescribed. Typically, the following tools are recommended:

  1. For local treatment of minor bleeding from the anus, use candles or ointment Gepatrombin G. The composition of the drug is heparin, which normalizes blood coagulability. In addition, Gepatrombin G provides sclerosing action on dilated veins.
  2. Heparin ointment quickly removes puffiness, is effective against inflammation and bleeding.
  3. Candles of Metiuracil accelerate the healing of microcracks and, thereby, eliminate minor bleeding.
  4. No less effective is the ointment Relief Ultra . With its use, the ulcerative processes of the mucosa in the anal passage area are rapidly healing, which also contributes to the cessation of bleeding.
  5. Detralex tablets contain iron, which helps to prevent anemia. Another advantage of Detralex is the venotonic effect.

If there is a heavy bleeding tablets and local therapy are almost useless. In this case, treatment in a hospital setting is necessary.

Treatment takes place with the mandatory introduction of intramuscular or intravenous drugs with a blood-stabilizing effect. These include Etamsilat and Vikasol. Simultaneously, it is necessary to normalize the volume of blood. It shows the intake of vitamin K and the use of rectal suppositories with adrenaline. To reduce the burden on the intestines, prescribe a gentle diet.

With insignificant discharge of blood, treatment can be carried out at home. Great help in this case will have folk recipes.

How to stop bleeding from the anus - folk ways

Simultaneously with therapy, you can use the infusion of calendula for lotions.

Recipe for infusion


Preparation and use

Raw materials are steamed in a thermos for the night. Ready infusion is filtered and used for lotions, as well as microclysters.

A decoction of blueberries, which possess astringent qualities, allows you to quickly get rid of minor bleeding.

The recipe for broth


Preparation and use

Raw materials are poured in water and sent to a water bath. After half an hour the finished product is filtered and brought to the original volume, pouring boiling water. It is used for microclysters.

Treatment of bleeding from the anus can be done with oak bark .

Prescription means


Preparation and use

Raw materials are poured with water and for half an hour they are languished on low heat or steam bath. Next, the means 6 hours insist, tightly wrapped. Ready infusion suitable for baths, microclysters and lotions.