Avocado - good and bad

Avocados not so long ago gained popularity in the post-Soviet space, but nowadays it has a lot of admirers. It is also called "American Persea" or "Alligator Pear". This fruit is loved not only by those who want to diversify their table exotic, but also to those who care about their health. More information about the benefits and harms of avocados you will learn from this article.

What are the vitamins in avocado?

This fruit is full of useful substances, for which it is universally loved and appreciated. They found valuable oleic acid, which normalizes the composition of the blood and fights against cholesterol, vitamins A, B, C, D, PP. Separately it is worth noting that the avocado for vitamin E is incredibly rich, which is considered the main element for the preservation of youth and beauty.

In addition to the mass of vitamins, there are many minerals in the avocado: potassium, phosphorus , calcium, magnesium, sodium, manganese and others.

Useful properties and contraindications avocado

Speaking about the benefits of such a fruit as avocado, we can say that it has a complex effect on virtually all systems, granting them healing. If we talk about useful properties more specifically, we get a very impressive list:

The world community has long appreciated the benefits of avocado, and in European countries, avocado oil is used to treat diseases of teeth, gums and joints.

However, this was not without contraindications. It is not recommended for those who suffer from allergic reactions to citrus and latex. For everyone else, this fruit is safe. Harm can inflict unless the bone avocado - remember that it can not be eaten!

What is useful avocado for weight loss?

This unique fruit, although it is a fruit, has a structure like a vegetable. It is quite a satisfying product, which can be perfectly used in fresh vegetable salads. There are no sugars in it, so it can be used in the diet of a thin person. However, it is not worthwhile to lean heavily on it, since the calorie content of the fetus is high enough: according to different data, from 120 to 210 kcal per 100 grams. Most of the energy value of this fruit is provided by fats, carbohydrates in second place, and third proteins.

The use of avocados for weight loss is that its composition is optimally balanced, and for each substance there is one more that allows it to be easily assimilated. Therefore, fats, which are fraught with avocados, will not cause harm.

"Sitting" on one avocado is not worth it: doctors recommend eating no more than half a fruit a day. Just add it to the vegetable salad and replace it with your usual dinner: the effect will follow very quickly. Especially if you give up flour, sweet and fat.