My legs swell - what should I do?

Often by the evening you can find an unpleasant symptom - an increase in the lower extremities. What to do when the legs swell? When you need to urgently go to the doctor, and in what cases will it be sufficient to resort to methods of traditional medicine?

What to do when the legs swell?

If you have a sedentary job, and your legs are swollen, the first thing to do is to give up uncomfortable shoes. Do not wear shoes, boots and sandals with an excessively high heel or with a completely flat sole. Be sure to do it several times per hour, get up and walk for 5 minutes (if possible, at the very tips of your feet).

In the diet of people who often have swelling, there should be a minimum of salt and fatty foods. They also need to maintain an active lifestyle and not abuse drugs that detain fluid in the body.

Ointments from leg swelling

If you do not sit down, but your legs are swelling all the time, and you do not know what to do, do not despair. You can help special ointments and gels. Among the most effective tools of this group:

  1. Troxevasin is an ointment that exerts a strengthening effect on the walls of the wreath and capillaries. It has an excellent cooling anti-edematous effect. Heparin ointment is a preparation that improves blood circulation. It dissolves microthrombi and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Essaven Gel - strengthens capillaries and veins, activates blood circulation and quickly eliminates microscopic blood clots.

If you not only swollen feet, but also inflamed veins, the first thing you need to do is to spread limbs with Venitane. This ointment is made on the basis of a natural extract of horse chestnut, so it will perfectly strengthen the venous structures and relieve swelling. The Lioton 100 gel also has a good anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effect.

Diuretics from leg swelling

You have swollen feet and you do not know what to do at home, so that puffiness quickly subsides? Strong diuretics will help you:

They are used to eliminate the edema of the legs of various genesis. Such drugs are used once, but not courses. If you are confronted with a puffiness that has arisen against a background of cardiac or renal insufficiency, diabetes mellitus or arterial hypertension, then you need to use medium strength diuretics:

Such drugs are used in courses and only as part of complex treatment.

Weak diuretics:

But it is they that are good at removing edema and do not excrete potassium ions from the body. Such drugs can be used with various diuretics that excrete calcium to minimize its loss.

Folk Remedies for Foot Swelling

You do not want to use medicines, but you have a lot of leg swelling after a fracture - what can you do and can you remove swelling with natural diuretics? You can easily get rid of puffiness and with the help of traditional medicine methods.

One of the best diuretics is a decoction of leaflets and kidneys of birch, linden flowers and dry field horsetail. To make it, you need:

  1. Take 10 grams of ingredients.
  2. Pour them 300 ml of water.

Take a decoction of 50 ml per day.

Well helps to cope with swelling of the root of parsley:

  1. It is washed, finely chopped and 20 g pour 0.5 liters of boiling water.
  2. After 8 hours, infusion is filtered and taken 15 ml once a day.

For very "urgent" help you can use grated potatoes. Kashitsu distribute on the swollen limb and two hours later you will see that the swelling is almost completely asleep.