Foreign body in the eye

Surely every person knows the sensation of a foreign body in the eye. Eyelashes, small insects, air-borne particles of dust, sand, metal, wood, etc., often come into our eyes. In most cases, due to the natural protective reflexes of the cornea, foreign bodies are completely removed by themselves - due to increased flashing and tearing off. However, sometimes in such cases, medical attention is required.

Symptoms of entering a foreign body in the eye

The foreign body penetrated into the eye can affect its various departments:

Most often, the penetration is superficial, but if the fine particles get deep into the tissue of the eyeball, they speak of intraocular foreign bodies.

The main manifestations of the fact that there is a foreign body in the eye are:

In rare cases, if a foreign body enters the eye, symptoms may not be observed (it may also be unnoticeable for its penetration without special instruments). In other cases, the sensation that a foreign body has entered the eye, which in fact does not exist, can occur with certain eye diseases: conjunctivitis, dry keratitis , iritis, etc.

Foreign body in the eye - treatment

If you get a foreign body, you can try to remove it from the eye yourself. To do this, stand in front of mirror in a well-lit room and carefully examine the eye, gently twisting the eyelids to determine exactly where the foreign body is located. Extraction can be done with a hygienic cotton swab or a piece of a triangular folded napkin. If this can not be done, you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist.

With the help of special magnifying devices and a lamp, an ophthalmologist will examine the eye structures. In some cases, an ultrasound or radiographic examination of the eye and orbit is required.

Surface foreign bodies are removed under the conditions of an ophthalmologic cabinet using a microscope (after anesthesia). After this, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory preparations for the eyes can be prescribed. Extraction of the intraocular foreign body from the eye is carried out in the microsurgical operating room.