Dog breed pointer - features of maintenance and care

They are representatives of the oldest British pets. The breed of dog pointer is distinguished by refined manners, elegant appearance, which are combined with physical endurance and power. They can become excellent friends for hunters and excellent companions who happily accompany their owners.

English pointer - description of the breed

The British dog is a smooth-haired pug that is used for hunting birds. His characteristic search for game is at a gallop. Having smelled a bird, it makes a rapid throw - it seems that the pet flies through the air with his head lifted, not touching the ground. Description of the dog pointer - fast and temperamental dog of medium size with short hair and spotted color. He is an excellent companion for sports and hunting, extremely devoted to his family, practically does not shed, requires minimal care.

Dog pointer - the origin of the breed

For the first time individuals appeared in Britain in the 17th century. The name of the breed stands for "pointer". This fully characterizes the working essence of the dog - having caught the game, it becomes in the rack and shows the owner the direction. It is believed that his ancestors were imported from Spain, crossed with setters, greyhounds , foxhounds, Newfoundlands . British breeders have made the appearance of individuals more refined. The addition of blood from the Germans from Italy and France added to their ease.

English pointer - a hunting dog with perfect smell, great care and speed. It is suitable for all kinds of chases for any game on land and water, has beautiful eyesight. The club of fans of the breed was founded in London in 1891. Since 1904, the shape of the breed has not changed, a certain standard has been maintained, hunters are popular all over the world.

Pointer is the breed standard

These are short-haired individuals with elegant shapes. Pointer - a detailed description of the breed:

Dog breed pointer - character

English dog is different in mind and devotion. On the hunt, he shows himself as a fast and brave animal, at home - calm and friendly. Pets are well trained and unquestioningly execute the commands of the host. They are active and hardy. Animals build close relationships with all members of the family. The description of the pointer dog breed emphasizes their peace for children - they get along with them, suffer screams, dragging their ears. With other pets (except for birds), they perfectly coexist.

The animal is always full of enthusiasm, craves action and does not sit still. He needs daily exercise time, otherwise the dog can become restless and unruly. Dog breed pointer is good at protecting the house, can warn about the threat, although it is not considered a watchdog. These are sensitive natures - periods of loneliness are hard to bear. They are considered excellent companions, in the character of the English handsome there are practically no shortcomings.

Hunting dog pointer - maintenance and care

Care for the British gentleman will not be very difficult. Hunting dogs breed pointer need hygienic procedures, infrequent care of hair, regular exercise, quality feeding and maintaining health through vaccinations. They can live in a city apartment only under the condition of dynamic physical exertion. Dogs can not be in drafts. For sleep, they can use a bed with an orthopedic base made of well-cleaned material.

English pointer breed - care features

With good care live English dogs up to 15 years. There are simple rules for their content:

Feeding dog pointer breeds

To maintain health, you need to pay attention to the ration of the animal. Well-suited for pet nutrition specialized high quality feed. Pointer is a hunting breed with an active lifestyle. From natural food, he needs low-fat meat (chicken, veal, rabbit), beef bones (from five months), offal, sea fish. Useful for animals vegetables, fruits, greens - boiled and grated. In the diet, you need to add a spoonful of vegetable oil. Such food will supply the body with proteins, nutrients and vitamins for the development of the animal, improving the skin and coat.

Puppy English pointer - maintenance and care

Choosing an English pedigree baby, you need to immediately begin to adapt it. Education pointer puppy begins with getting used to his place - a couch , located far from drafts. Since childhood, the baby is taught to hygienic procedures - examination of the ears, eyes, pads of the paws. To allow him to do this, you need to treat him with a delicacy.

An important point - a puppy since childhood is attached to people - is taken to public places, otherwise it can grow shy. Babies are vaccinated at 3, 6, 12 months of age, then vaccination is carried out annually. During the growth period the puppy should receive meat, eggs, milk, cottage cheese. He eats 6 times a day, after six months the amount of feeding is reduced to two. Englishmen do not tolerate separation from the owner, to them they gradually need to be taught from childhood.

The dog breed pointer attracts an excellent flair, submission, tirelessness and speed. At home he is elegant, positive, courteous, and at work serious and hardy. These are nice pets who try to please the owner in everything. They are full of energy that will bring in the family, saturate the home atmosphere inexhaustible positive and gentlemanly manners.