Stereograms for eye training

Vision is one of the main sources of information and knowledge about the world around us. The constant use of computers and other technical devices, as well as frequent stresses and bad habits can significantly impair a person's vision . In the modern medical practice of ophthalmologists, there are many methods for the prevention and treatment of various diseases and the general state of the eyes. One of these effective methods for improving vision is to view stereo pictures.

Stereograms for eyesight

Stereograms, 3d images or optical illusions are images created from alternations of different points and textures. In fact, it's a combination of a 3D image and a 2D background. The principle of three-dimensional images is that the visual system has a property that allows you to estimate the distance to objects. The human brain collects data from each eye, and compares them. Proceeding from the received data, the idea of ​​the range of this or that object is formed. Optical illusions deceive the brain, as they provide images for analysis, which are obtained taking into account all the features of visual perception. When you view a stereotype, a 3D image appears before your eyes.

Such 3D-images will help people who spend a lot of time at the computer or TV, because of the kind of activities they constantly read and write, exaggeratingly straining the eye muscles.

Use of stereo pictures

Many professional ophthalmologists adherents of natural methods of improving vision argue that stereotypes for eye training can be used to fully relax the eye muscles, reduce their spasms and relieve the feeling of tired eyes. This method contributes to the preservation of natural visual acuity. By viewing 3D images, the motor activity of the eye muscles increases, resulting in blood circulation to the eye and oxygen and nutrients are supplied to it in sufficient quantities.

Stereoscopic pictures or eye exercises

To improve the state of the organs of vision using stereoparticles, it is enough to pay them at least five minutes a day. 3D-images are different, they differ in the level of preparation of the patient and age features, special images for children that take into account the development of the organs of vision at a young age are suitable for children. Optical illusions can be simple and complex, they can contain answers, puzzles, there are even moving pictures and many others.

To view 3D images of any complexity level, preliminary preparation is necessary. Modern medical research has shown that about 5% of people are unable to see stereoparticles. All others can see 3D images in one of two ways.

The first method is parallel. According to him, the picture should be located exactly at eye level. The patient looks at the picture, but the focus of the vision is not on it, but on its background. As a result, both eyes look parallel to each other. The volumetric image can be seen defocusing the sight, and having looked two eyes at different points of the picture.

The second way is cross. In order to see a stereopicture, you need to focus your vision on the point between the eyes and the image, while it's important to be at arm's length from the picture. In twenty centimeters from the tip of the nose it is necessary to arrange the index finger. Then, by focusing the vision, it is necessary to ensure that both the finger and the picture can be seen equally clearly.