Kuperoz - treatment at home

Couperose is the appearance of vascular expressions on the skin near the nose, on the cheeks or forehead. It often occurs with the disease of the blood vessels under the skin.

Kuperoz skin of the face

A symptom of vascular disease can occur anywhere, but most often it is exposed to the face. Before we find out how to treat couperose , pay attention to its main causes:

How to treat couperose at home?

Before starting home treatment, it is still worthwhile to see a doctor for an examination and an accurate diagnosis. If the cause of the disease is internal diseases, then no home masks from couperose, lotions and infusions will not help. The main treatment for the most common cause of the emergence of couperose is a home diet and a special way of life. Necessary:

  1. Eliminate bad habits and products (spicy condiments, canned food, caffeine).
  2. Reduce the consumption of fatty foods (liver, cheeses, sour cream).
  3. Strict control over pressure, and its maintenance is normal with the help of special preparations.
  4. Take foods in which the high content of silicon (buckwheat, oatmeal, corn, beans).
  5. Eat foods with vitamins C, R and K.
  6. An active way of life and regular exercise are useful.

Means for couperose exist in folk medicine. To you will help:

  1. Decoction with chamomile as lotions on the affected skin.
  2. Potato mask for ten minutes (crushed raw potatoes on a blender).
  3. Mask from a spoonful of potato starch, fresh cowberry, raspberry and sea-buckthorn. The mass is thoroughly mixed, and applied for 20 minutes per face every day.