What does a dead kitten look like?

Of course, it is difficult to say that such a dream inspires joy and optimism. Involuntarily you will think about what the dead kittens dream about: in fact such vision causes unpleasant emotions . However, it is not worth the trouble in this case. Sleep about dead kittens, according to the dreamers, can be much more successful than living.

So, for example, suggesting the interpretation of what the little dead kittens are dreaming about, many dream books indicate that this is how readiness for self-improvement and inner growth manifests. This may also mean solving any problems. Some troubles, which often happened in the life of the dreamer, finally ended in his apparent satisfaction.

Another interpretation of sleep about dead kittens

However, there is also an opinion that dead kittens are a dream to the collapse of plans, and through the fault of the dreamer. Carelessness and haste in this case can play a negative role, mixing all the cards and prejudging the failure, however, of some not very important case.

Contradictory and interpretation of what is dreamed of dead cats and kittens. Some dream books claim that the dream is very good. The dreamer will conquer all attacks of enemies, protect himself from all ills and troubles, which in this case symbolize cats and kittens. That is, the quality of life of the dreamer will improve.

Why do you dream a lot of dead kittens?

There is another opinion that such dreams do not bring anything good, they predict trouble, and an unpleasant property. The reason for this is the recklessness of the dreamer, who should become more circumspect. And even such a dream can have absolutely the opposite meaning and foreshadow the cash proceeds in the form of a bonus.

There are quite a lot of interpretations of this kind of sleep, but do not pay too much attention to what you saw in a dream, because what we dream about can be a simple game of imagination and subconsciousness, the rules of which we can not learn.