Som Ancistrus

This type of aquarium fish is rightfully considered the most ideal for a beginner aquarist, since it does not require special conditions and knowledge of the content.

Description of anthracus

It has a relatively small body size, which thickens from the top and is covered with bone plates. Som antiscus has a distinctive feature in the form of a mouth, represented by a sucker with horn-shaped scrapers. It is they that enable the fish to scrape up the buildup on the surfaces of the aquarium. Male species of this species differ in the presence of pronounced processes of the skin (tentaculum) located on the head and its edges. They are also much larger than females, the size of an adult ancistrus reaches a length of about 8 cm.

Types of Ancestors

The choice of anthracus is extremely rich, in view of the diversity of its species. There are a lot of them, and active aquarists continue to bring out new and original species. Consider the most popular types of ancistrus at this time.

  1. Anticrass is golden . Without a twinge of conscience, it can be called the most chic and impressive representative of this family of fish. According to the requirements for the conditions of detention, form or size is no different from their usual brethren. The uniqueness of the gold ancistrus in its coloration, which is executed in bright and deep tones of yellow color. And males can still boast of a red "cap" on their heads. Samochki a little paler, a gentle yellow hue.
  2. Anticrus veileus . Elegant appearance, which in this case also has a wide range of colors. Its name is due to the specific shape of the fins and tail, which in the process of unfolding resemble a transparent veil.
  3. Red ancystrus was named because of its color. However, to get a real red ancistrus is not so easy because of the rarity and poorly understood species.

Ancistrus content

Extremely easy to care for and keep the form of fish. Comfortably feel in any aquarium with fresh water. Are able to withstand the temperature changes from 18 to 33 degrees, which is very important in a city apartment. Som antiscus is also not very demanding on the cleanliness of the environment and its composition, although it is preferable to have fresh, clean and oxygen-rich water. If there is a good aeration of the aquarium, it will constantly keep in the flow of air bubbles. It is also worthwhile to equip him with shelter in the form of abundant plantings of aquarium plants and snags, which they gladly scrape. Food for ancystrs are:

It should be noted that the activity of this fish manifests, mainly, in the dark, preferring to hide in thickets in the daytime and in bright illumination.

Ancistrus diseases

This type of fish is particularly susceptible to diseases in the form of helminth infection, which is the result of their diet. In avoidance of this infection and during its treatment it is recommended to add anthelmintic agents to the food. The lifespan of the ancistrus is about 10 years, however, their frequent death in the tubes of aerators is noted.

Compatibility antsistrusov

This is one of the most loyal, in terms of neighborhood, kind of fish. Perfectly coexists with all other representatives of freshwater fauna, which is due to their far from predatory origin and the lack of struggle for food, as their diet differs from the general. Ancistrus and guppies can only "struggle" a little for a tablet of feed, but this never leads to serious consequences.