Winter-resistant shrubs that blossom all summer

Frost-resistant flowering shrubs attract the attention of many gardeners. Combining several species of such shrubs when planting, you can get a very effective garden composition that blooms from early spring to late autumn.

TOP of the most popular flowering shrubs

The most popular flowering shrubs for the garden are:

  1. Spirea. This plant can please you with a variety of its species and varieties, of which there are more than 90. Spirea is very unpretentious in caring for her and at the same time looks very impressive. During flowering, it is covered with numerous white small flowers. Under their weight branches bend to the ground and take an unusual cascade shape. Spirea blooms in spring or summer depending on the variety. Thus, planting different varieties, you can enjoy flowering from May to October. For planting shrubs, you need to choose a sunny place. The soil must be loose and fertile. In order to preserve the beautiful shape of the plant, it must be properly cut. Pruning consists in removing old shoots so that the shrub is rejuvenated.
  2. Also, the most popular winter-hardy flowering shrubs include jasmine or chubushnik , which blooms from May to July, depending on the variety. Variety Chubushnik "Gordon" blossoms a second time in the fall. Jasmine has a number of advantages. He is unpretentious, every year very abundantly blooms and differs frost resistance. The planting site can be chosen either sunny or in partial shade. However, in the sun there is a much more abundant flowering. Shrub prefers fertile and well-moistened soil. Chubushnik after flowering should be regularly cut off: remove old branches and thin out. This contributes to the appearance of new inflorescences.
  3. Lilac. Some gardeners have doubts about the fact that the lilac refers to frost-resistant shrubs. However, there are varieties that are able to withstand the harsh winter climate - these are Paul Tirion, Condorcet and Alice Harding. For greater reliability, the bush can be sheltered for the winter.
  4. Budlei. The bush attracts with its long flowering period. Enjoy its beautiful inflorescences from July to October. Despite the fact that this heat-loving plant, it is able to withstand the frosty winter. Separate varieties of budlei in different ways carry the winter period. The most frost-resistant is the Buddha of David. But there are varieties of budlea, for which freezing can be fatal. For example, if the ground part of the budlea freezes, its flowering is excluded. If the roots freeze, the plant dies. Therefore, for the winter, the shrub should be properly covered. For this purpose, a special frame is made of metal or wood. The frame is covered with polyethylene or a special material to exclude the penetration of water. Under the shelter are placed a warming layer: leaves, spruce lapnik, straw.
  5. Hydrangea . This plant can withstand the coldest winters. In order to enjoy the view of its large inflorescences, it is necessary to cut the shrub twice a year: in the autumn, when the flowering period ends, and in the spring.
  6. Oleander. Refers to frost-resistant flowering shrubs. It differs in its simplicity in care, but it has a significant drawback - this plant belongs to the poisonous. Since all parts are poisonous in it, the option of placing it in the garden can be its placement in the center of the flower bed.
  7. Rhododendron. The plant blooms in the middle of summer. The varieties "Mandarin Lights" and "Lemon Lights" are particularly frost-resistant.

Thus, you can apply winter-hardened shrubs in landscape design, blooming all summer, and with their help decorate your garden.