Italian bread

Those who have had time to bake bread at home know that this is quite an energy-consuming, but grateful business. Once again, we make sure of this by means of the recipes of three types of Italian bread: ciabatta , grissini and focaccia .

Home-made Italian ciabatta bread


For Bigi (starter):

For bread:


The starter can be kept for 6 hours, or it can be cooked for 3 days (store in the refrigerator after 6-hour aging) to the expected bread baking. Mix all the ingredients for the starter together, not forgetting that the water should be warm to activate the yeast. Sticky mass is left in the warmth under the film or towel.

When it's time to bake the bread, mix the flour and salt and pour it with warm water, pour in 135 grams of starter and mix thoroughly. Let the dough rise under the film for a couple of hours. After the allotted time, divide the ciabatta into loaves and leave in the heat for another 2 hours, then bake in a heavily heated oven (240 degrees) for 20-25 minutes.

Italian focaccia bread - recipe



Mixing the flour with a good pinch of salt, add to it the oil and yeast solution in warm water. Knead the sticky dough and leave it under the film for an hour. When the mass is doubled in size, divide it in half and place each half in a well oiled baking tray. Make your fingers a shallow hole in the dough and sprinkle the surface with cheese, large salt and rosemary leaves. Let the focaccia come up again for about 40 minutes, after which it can be sent to a 230-degree oven for 20 minutes.

Italian Grissini Bread



Dissolve the honey in warm water and pour the yeast. After 3-4 minutes, pour the yeast solution to the flour together with the butter and knead the dough. We give the test an hour, then divide into small portions and roll each into bundles. We give the ropes from the dough to go for another half hour, and then the grissini at 200 degrees for 10-12 minutes, not forgetting to turn the sticks to the other side.