What is apathy and what to do if you do not want anything?

Active and busy person, spinning around in the cycle of everyday worries and making plans for the near future, sometimes laying out a full stock of forces in today's day. What is apathy, and how to recognize it from your own experience, is important in order to effectively get rid of indifference, smoothly passing into the pathological states of the psyche.

Apathy - what is this?

What is the apathy of a person is a state of apparent indifference, indifference and disinterest in the events, lack of emotion, decreased interest, a decline in aspirations. The individual in the apathetic state stands out against the background of other people, he expresses a feeling of fatigue, he lacks motivation for action, reduced faith in his own strength and the near future.

In certain stages of life, each person experiences a similar state of self. If it lasts for several days, then do not worry - this is the norm, the body took a "time out," he, like a computer, will make a reboot in the near future, and then begin daily tasks with new energy. Bad, when such a spleen is delayed for a longer hour - a few weeks or months, and in the most severe cases - for years. You can not ignore such depression, a person needs help, which will help him to return interest to life.

What is apathy in philosophy?

In the interpretation of the philosophers of apathy to everything - the moral state of a spiritually developed person, which does not eclipse the activity of the mind by emotions. Taking in equal measure and with unshakable indifference, joy and sorrow, a person has a cold mind. Apathy is the highest state of mind, the condition of happiness achieved through prolonged training, in some philosophical currents it is compared with the state of eternal bliss - nirvana.

What is apathy in psychology?

The vitality of every person striving to achieve high results is always in a tense state. Especially acute it is experienced by residents of large megacities - the race for education, decent work, a decent standard of living imposes an imprint and on the mental state of the individual - there is a crisis, which means - apathy makes itself felt.

Psychologists describe the state of apathy, this is a violation of emotional-volitional motives, with a pronounced lack of experience, characterized by sluggishness, indifference to family and ongoing events. Today it is very widespread, it can not be characterized by clear boundaries, which leads to the fact that there is no standard method for combating the disease in treatment or a standard tablet of apathy.

Apathy and depression are differences

Apathy should not be confused with boredom or a sense of despair. It is perceived as a protection against nervous overstrain, it automatically leads the mental processes into a passive state at the most necessary moment, protecting the body from nervous exhaustion . There are a number of factors by which psychologists define the difference between depression and apathy. Depression is expressed in constant unreasonably anxious state, anguish, oppressing personality. In an apathetic mood, a person does not experience anxiety, he simply does not express interest.

Apathy - causes

There is apathy to life as a consequence of past stages, it is often experienced after a long emotional stress, after the completion of a successful project, the stress experienced. Physicians view the body as an integral system in which the processes of thinking are closely related to the physiological state, and physical trauma can cause a psychological illness, or vice versa. The most common causes of apathy:

Apathy - the symptoms

A person who has felt all the "delights" of apathy ceases to make plans for tomorrow, does not show interest in new acquaintances, ceases to dream. Complete apathy - a signal that in the usual order of things for the person, changes are required. It is much easier to correctly recognize symptoms and get rid of this condition at the initial stage than in a neglected state. Characterize apathy for such symptoms:

What causes apathy?

Complete apathy to life is a pathological condition of the nervous system that requires treatment. It can overtake a person at any age, not choosing by social status. Young and carefree, people in mature years and with a solid reputation, can suddenly encounter such a problem. In order to avoid serious consequences, when prolonged apathy is the cause of suicide, it is important to pay attention to the long-term, indifferent state of reality for a loved one.

How to help a person with apathy?

It is quite possible to find the former interest in life independently. The aspiring person realizes that a long stay in such a rest does not bring positive results - important business relationships stop, the state of apathy leads to degradation and malfunctions in the established life rhythm, but there are people who can not get out of this stagnation without help. How to help them:

Apathy - how to fight it?

In order to understand how to overcome apathy, the initial task will be to find out the cause of the occurrence, which caused the apathetic state. It is necessary to establish the factors provoking such emotional emptiness, if it is help to a loved one, one must believe in the ego of power, and constantly talk about it to him. Lower your hands after the first attempts, you can not leave the apathetic state. Sometimes, apathy occurs against the background:

In such cases, it is necessary to show a reasonable approach (and stock up intelligible arguments) - to entrust a person able to his physical and mental state of care and deed, cause a desire to be necessary and loved. If you can not get out of the "fetters" of indifference, you need to turn to specialists who help get rid of the apathetic attitude to the world around you.

Apathy - what to do if you do not want anything?

How to get rid of apathy and overcome apathy can, sometimes, succumbing to its requirements. Spend a day or two turning off the phone and idle lying on the couch, very useful. Often after such "preventive measures" there is often a desire to return to reality. You can rethink the values ​​and life priorities - this is an important stage, every harmoniously developing personality:

  1. For a person with great achievements in the professional sphere, consider working on "wear and tear" and its importance.
  2. For those who do things in the opposite direction, to remind themselves - a person builds his life on his own, and the effort to work on himself will be a successful foundation on which tomorrow will stand firmly.
  3. Change the circle of communication. New interests open up new desires, encourage learning new skills. To engage in unusual hobbies (dancing, billiards, yoga or even a karate section) that stimulate each time to raise demands for oneself and grow.

Medication for apathy

If you can not overcome the protracted apathy with your own efforts, a sensible decision will be an appeal to a psychologist who knows what apathy and methods of combating it are. Prolonged disregard of symptoms can lead to memory failures and inadequate reactions in the perception of circumstances. An effective cure for apathy is determined by the doctor after the analysis of the patient's condition. Different methods, as well as their combination, give positive results in the fight against the disease:

Vitamins from apathy

Fight with apathy can be done with the help of traditional medicine, preparing mixtures of their dried fruits, garlic-lemon composition, pharmacy mummy. The diagnosis of apathy can occur against a background of general exhaustion of the body, after the transferred diseases, when the immunity is weakened. Elementary lack of vitamins - beriberi, can cause a state of apathy lack of vitamins: B12 and D.