Amok - causes of an attack of unmotivated aggression

The state of uncontrolled aggression can be dangerous both for others and for the patient himself. Such a syndrome in psychiatry is called amok. Europeans are rarely prone to this disease. Amok - what it is and how to treat it - offer to know now.

What is Amok?

Specialists in the field of psychology know about this term. Amok is a mental state , defined in psychiatry as an ethnospecific syndrome. It is peculiar to the inhabitants of Malaysia, the Philippines and the surrounding areas. This condition is characterized by sharp motor excitement and aggressive actions and causeless attack on people.

Among the symptoms of a dangerous syndrome:

In the first phase, patients are closed and immersed in themselves. At the same time they are passive and neurasthenic conditions appear in them. Already in the second phase, the symptoms of depersonalization and derealization, as well as feelings of rage and somatic disorders, may appear. In the third phase, the patient feels uncontrolled arousal. People often shout and, in the presence of weapons, can attack the surrounding people without reporting their own actions and the possible consequences of what is happening. In this state, a person needs help as soon as possible.

Amoka state - what is it?

Some psychologists say that the state of amoka is one of the types of the state of consciousness. Often it can manifest itself in the form of fits of consciousness that occur suddenly, or after a certain period of mood disorder. A person in this state begins to rush, while destroying everything around. When the attack ends, the patient remains vague memories of what happened or no memories at all. The Germans, by this term, understand killings committed alone in public places using weapons.

Mental disorder amok

By the term "amok" it is customary to understand a mental state in which a person experiences excessive excitement. Such unmotivated aggression can cause attacks on others and even kill people. In German, this term has an expanded meaning and means blind and even violent aggression with victims or without them outside the ethnic framework.

Among the causes of this uncontrolled state:

Amorous Amoc

Dangerous bouts of unmotivated aggression can also be observed in a state of love. Often such an outburst of emotions is preceded by jealousy. Being in an aggressive state, a person is capable of causing bodily harm to another and even killing. Therefore, if a person has all the signs of a love amok, you need to seek help from psychologists as soon as possible.

Amok - treatment

Everyone who has had to face such a dangerous illness once in life, are wondering how to treat Amoc. With the development of this condition, the patient needs:

  1. Securely fix with a straitjacket, wide soft bandages and other accessories.
  2. After a while, psychosis should stop on its own.

Once a person is better, he will need a full rest, food and specialized psychiatric care. After an attack, it is necessary that the patient is under medical supervision, since there is a risk of suicide. If a patient with such a dangerous syndrome as amok is neutralized and does not commit suicide, the prognosis will be quite favorable.