Stuffed beef steak

In the menu of each hostess there are always cutlets - a dish of minced meat with the addition of onions, spices and bread. And try to cook a well-fried, served with fresh vegetables, steak - from minced veal of young veal, adding only spices. We are sure that this dish will be to the liking of many. You can serve it with any salads and side dishes, especially a steak with roasted potatoes.

How to cook beef steak?

It should be noted that it is best to prepare beef from the stuffing for beef steaks. Then the dish will turn out most juicy and delicious. Add only salt and spices: pepper black or red, coriander or any other. Do not put onions or softened loaf, in this case the steak steak recipe will already resemble cutlets, and we want to get a completely different dish. The only thing you can add is a couple of spoonfuls of water, then the dish will be juicier. And be sure to carefully beat the stuffing, achieve its elasticity, then do not add any eggs, no steak during the frying will not creep. Leave it from 30 cm on the board for at least 5-7 minutes, you will see for yourself that the mince becomes elastic, gaining viscosity.

The frying time can vary from 3-4 minutes on each side to 5-6. It all depends on the thickness of the cake and the degree of roasting that you prefer. If you like steak with blood, the cooking time will have to be shortened accordingly. If you want a well-roasted steak, then increase cooking time to 5-6 minutes on each side.

Steak steak recipe

In the classical version, for preparation of steaks from minced meat, according to the recipe it is necessary to use only beef or veal, but you can try to mix beef with pork in equal proportions. Try, experiment and look for your favorite steak recipe from minced meat. Meat necessarily pass through the meat grinder several times, your task is to get minced excellent quality, it is on him that the success of our dish depends.



Minced meat salt, add the pepper and beat off the minced meat on the board or in a bowl. Drop it a bit to see how it will communicate. Then we form cakes, we give them the necessary form and fry them in a well-heated frying pan in vegetable oil. Fry should be about 5 minutes on each side.

You can not fry, but bake steak from mince in the oven, then the dish will get more dietary, the meat will not take in a lot of fat. Prepare in the oven at 190 degrees for about 15 minutes.

Steak steak with egg

Delicious and original steak steak recipe with egg, which we offer you, you can prepare for dinner or lunch, and for breakfast.



Meat (beef or any other, if you prefer another sort of meat) minced meat, then salt, pepper and we form cakes that are fried in a warmed vegetable oil. The cooking time depends on the degree of roasting of the steak. If you like the average, then cook about 3-4 minutes on each side. You can fry each steak 2-3 minutes, and then bake in the oven, making it ready, then the dish turns out not so fat. By the way, you can add to the stuffing finely chopped green onions, which will add a little piquancy.

Eggs fry in a separate frying pan. When serving on the table, for each beefsteak from beef minced we lay out the egg-glaze, serve with vegetables or garnish.