Mirror in the corridor

A mirror is an object, without which the hallway is simply unthinkable. And the way it will look will tell your guests a lot on the doorstep of the apartment. Let's find out how to choose a suitable mirror in the corridor.

Choose a mirror design in the corridor

First, the size is important: the mirror for the corridor should be so large as to accommodate your reflection if not in full growth, then in half.

Secondly, immediately decide on the design - will this usual flat mirror in the frame or without it, or maybe you want to buy in the corridor a mirror with a shelf.

Thirdly, keep in mind that there are not only mirrors in the corridor that are hung on the wall, but also models that go into the furniture. They are ideal for hallways, in which a free wall is inconvenient for placing a mirror. It can be a large wardrobe or a medium sized chest of drawers with a mirror in the corridor.

Fourth, think about the shape of the mirror - it will be a traditional oval, a rectangle or a circle. Perhaps you will like such an element of the interior with the wrong shape. Note also the orientation relative to the plane - rooms with high or medium-height ceilings allow the mirror to be placed vertically, while in a corridor with a low ceiling it is better to hang a horizontally oriented mirror plane. By the way, for spacious hallways an interesting option is to install a large floor model in a spectacular massive frame.

Where to hang a mirror in the corridor?

It should be noted that the mirror in the hallway is needed not only to see yourself before you leave the house. It also performs a useful function of visual increase in space , because the corridor is usually a small room. Therefore, place this piece of interior properly.

In particular, there must be so much free space in front of the mirror so that you can see yourself well. And also, and this is very important, it should be well lit. You can immediately "kill two birds with one stone" by buying a mirror in the corridor with a convenient contour LED backlight.