How many births last?

The duration of normal delivery is determined by the individual characteristics of the organism, and also differs in primiparous and repetitious. According to the scientific literature, the duration of labor in primiparas should be at least 7 hours and not more than 18 hours. And in the case of moles, not less than 3 hours and not longer than 8 hours. The length of labor depends on such factors as the strength and effectiveness of uterine contractions, the speed of opening the cervix and the training of muscles of the abdominal press. Talking about how many hours the normal birth lasts, they mean the time from the beginning of regular fights to the birth of the afterbirth.

How long does it take to complete a birth in a person?

The whole process of childbirth is divided into three periods:

  1. The period of the opening of the cervix, or the first period of labor . It begins with the established regular uterine contractions and ends with the full opening of the cervix. How long the first period of labor will last depends on the effectiveness of uterine contractions, on the structure of the cervix (a soft, well-stretched cervix opens quite easily and quickly). In primiparas, the duration of the first period of childbirth is an average of 6-8 hours, and in a 5 to 6 hour recurrent.
  2. The second period of labor (labor or expulsion period) . It begins with the full opening of the cervix and ends with the birth of a child. How many hours will the second period of labor last, depends on the training of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall and the force of uterine contractions. In primiparous, the duration of the second stage of labor is, on average, 40-60 minutes, and in 15-30 minutes for the re-birth.
  3. The third period of labor (consecutive) . It is accompanied by separation and allocation of the placenta. In normal course, its duration is up to 30 minutes in both primiparous and reproductive. If the latter is not separated, or after its isolation, a placental defect is diagnosed, then a manual isolation of the placenta and its parts is resorted to. This greatly extends the third stage of labor.

Prolonged delivery - causes, diagnosis, consequences and treatment

If the process of labor lasts more than 18 hours, then talk about prolonged labor or weak labor activity. The cause of this phenomenon may be an insufficient level of oxytocin in the blood of the parturient woman, a weak musculature of the uterus and anterior abdominal wall. The consequence of weak labor can be the depletion of the woman, the deterioration of blood circulation in the placenta and fetal hypoxia. To treat weakness, use the drug oxytocin, which is injected into a bottle with saline and injected into the vein drip. With intravenous administration of oxytocin, painful tenderness is noted, and the woman may need anesthesia. In the absence of the effect of the stimulation therapy, the cesarean section is performed.

Stemirovye genera - their cause, possible complications

Swift genera are considered if their duration is less than 6 hours in primiparas and less than 4 hours for miscreants. The reason for this trend birth may be an increased level of hormones that contribute to the acceleration of labor. The consequences of rapid delivery may be trauma in the child (skull, cervical spine, limbs), and for the mother - ruptures of soft tissues.

Thus, we examined how long the delivery itself lasts and on what extent their duration depends. In order for childbirth to proceed smoothly and successfully, a woman can attend classes at a women's consultation, where she will be told how to behave properly in childbirth. Also, positive attitude and support of native people are important, one of which can be present in the delivery room.