Banana cream for biscuit cake

Cream in the cake is not only a link that helps to keep the layers of cake among themselves, but also a flavor accent that can be varied at your discretion. We decided to make a banana cream for a biscuit cake , which will serve all lovers of exotics.

Chocolate-banana cream for cake

The basis of this cream, in addition to the usual oil, is also a delicate cream cheese, thanks to which even the most dry biscuit will melt in the mouth.



While waiting for the butter to reach room temperature, chop the bananas and mix the mashed potatoes with the cream cheese. Mixer at maximum speed whip banana cream with sugar powder, then start to add a portion of soft butter and chocolate paste. Ready homogeneous cream chill before you put it on a biscuit.

Thick curd-banana cream



Before you make a banana cream, wipe the cottage cheese through a fine sieve in order to turn it into a paste-like mass. Whisk the cottage cheese with yogurt and a chopped banana, add vanillin with honey, repeat whipping until you get a smooth consistency mass.

Sour cream and banana cream for biscuit



Soften the butter into a cream with a piece of powdered sugar. Peel the banana and add the puree to the butter cream. Pour in the sour cream without interrupting the whipping, and then add the remaining powdered sugar. When the cream becomes homogeneous, cool it and use as directed.

Banana cream for biscuit

Another light version of the cream based on whipped cream butter and cream cheese will be the best topping for cupcakes and biscuits.



Bring the butter to room temperature, and then start whisking it in portions, pouring the sugar powder through the sieve. Banana whip in puree and add it to the resulting oil cream. Do not stop the mixer, add servings of cream cheese. Ready cream, after achieving uniformity, cool and set off on biscuits.